Historic event: 10/26/2002

From Weezerpedia

Posted on Weezer's official Facebook page as part of the "Today in Weezer History" series on October 26, 2013.

Today in Weezer History: 10/26/2002 - Amherst House farewell party. On this day there was a gathering at the Amherst House, located at 2226 Amherst Ave in Los Angeles, which is the house where Weezer lived and rehearsed in "the" garage in 1992-1994, and which appears in the "Say It Ain't So" video. For years after Rivers and co. moved out (back when the Blue Album came out), Rivers' friend and Avant Garde bandmate Justin Fisher continued to live there, with a variety of other musicians, and many bands rehearsed in the garage that Weezer inaugurated long ago. But all that ended on this day when the landlord decided to completely remodel the interior of the house, spelling the demise of the garage as we knew it. Justin put out word online and a lot of Weezer fans made the trek to the previously secret location to party it up and get pieces of the old carpets that lined the garage's walls and are seen inside the Blue Album and in the SIAS video.

"…everything was in its right place compared to the "Say It Ain't So" video except for the tangerine colored walls in the kitchen and living room. In the video, the directors made the garage seem much much larger than it was. The washing and drying machines are in its same place, and the carpet keeping the sound in was well kept. Before I arrived I knew they were busting out with Weezer songs, but when i arrived a friend of mine by the name of Sam Davis was rocking out…" -Linda

"…after the Weezer covers died down a bit I decided to pick up a square of carpet for 5 bucks but it was worth it, I got the piece right above Matt's bass amp in the Blue Album picture. I was cruzing in the back yard and I think I found something a lot of people passed by, it was the broken lawnmower from the Blue Album promo shoot…" -GAJ (WeezerHawaii)

"…some fans cut pieces of the carpeting in the garage and then boasted on their way out about their new acquisitions. Someone even asked if they could have the shutters to the window that were on the front of the house. Justin politely told them no…" -M

"…and that big green thing? Well I don't know what the deal was with that… but it was funny as hell too…" -Jackie (weezerforalways)

Note: the house at 2226 Amherst Ave is still there and the exterior still looks the same pretty much. It's a one story guest house set back from the street at the end of a long asphalt driveway. The backyard can be viewed from a side alley.

See also

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