Karl's Corner - 04/04/2001
...one million hits? holy cow... I remember spazzing out when I got to 10,000! Well, again, thank you for your hits !... this calls for some kind of reward to you, the "page-viewers". How about some more mp3's? While I can't be giving away any new stuff right now, I have been authorized to pop up the rest of the original Goat Punishment (as Nirvana) show, from back in '98. The first of 4 more songs (the set was 6 songs long) should be up on the "wfo" page now, and I'll keep uploading the other 3 till they are all there.
...Apparently today was "video meeting" day, in which the band sat down with the label and tried to see eye to eye on who should direct, and what it should look like. I do know that while Spike Jonez is a prime candidate for a future weezer video, he is currently in production directing his second feature film right now, so he will not be available for the Hash Pipe video. So perhaps as I write this the director desicion has been made...perhaps not.
...I've been putting in some time getting the recording history updated. As of right now, there are mostly just a bunch of minor mistakes fixed, and some significant new stuff on page 9. Page 1 will be getting some solid revisions soon, and I made the pages go up to page 12, because the stuff in the 1998-2000 range is going to multiply dramatically in the coming days and weeks...