Karl's Corner - 07/12/2002
07/12/02 thats the someone
Enlightenment Tour Day 7: Detroit, MI; DTE Energy Center
Main Stage: Sparta, Dashboard Confessional, Weezer
Second Stage: Loudermilk, Home Town Hero, Am Radio
"Weezer World Cup" Foosball Challenge #1: Detroit- 89X
Today before the show there was the first fan vs. weez foosball challenge. In most cities from Detroit onward, the local radio station will be choosing winning fans who get to come backstage before the show and challenge the band to a mini-foosball tournament! This is the first in a series that will run for most of the rest of the Enlightenment Tour. There will be up to 6 winners per show, and they divide up into 3 teams who face off vs weezer for one game each.
Todays match results:
Round 1: Team Weezer (Cuomo/Wilson) V. The Kalamazoo Kadets (Stefanie Porolniczak and Estelle Osment) : Winner: Team Weezer. Score: 5-3.
Round 2: Team Weezer (Cuomo/Wilson) V. The Engaged Team (Cloe Rose Fisher and Brian Scott Oliver) : Winner: Team Weezer. Score: 5-1.
Round 3: Team Weezer (Cuomo/Wilson) V. The X Team (Craig from 89X and Kalia Lin Fisher) : Winner: Team Weezer. Score: 5-0. (ouch!! however, Kalia kicked ass with sheer good attitude):
Well, fun was had by all and later the sun went down and the show rocked on. todays crowd was massive, over 11,000 peeps in the house! Later some of the band commented that this was their favorite show of the tour so far, Pat was especially stoked, both on his playing and the epic nature of the show. And lest we forget: tonight marked the first time since 1997 that "Pink Triangle" was played!
...the first batch of Detroit fans' show reports that came in via email...
- "...Oh man, having been to every single =w= concert in Michigan in 2001 and 2002, and then some extras, I didn't know if there was a way to top all those past ones. However, the addition of Sparta and Dashboard did it (or was it WEEZER?! Hard to say). Sparta rocked the house, and Dashboard did even more. Being a DC fan myself, I was getting exhausted and my throat was already worn out from screaming the lyrics, and I wasn't sure how much more I had in me. But when I heard the first note of Weezer's set, I knew that the fun was only beginning. That was the most amazing show I have been to in a long time; while I missed GA and 'moshing,' it was great to finally get to truly enjoy the music--that's what it's all about. I also enjoyed the varied set list--it was different than normal, and PINK TRIANGLE! I wass quite thrilled to hear that one. Rivers rocked the business suit, not to mention the flashy shades. If every =w= concert from this point on can be half as amazing as tonight's was, then it will all be worth it. Amazing. Simply amazing. There are no other words to describe this magical night. I think I can die a happy woman tonight." ---Lola
- "...Wow. I just got back from the show at DTE and I must say it was an amazing experience. I can say that was definately the best weezer show i've been to as well as the best overall concert. i was a bit bummed when i saw that we'd be confined to seats for the night but i soon realized that we wouldn't be using them much. i managed to catch a bit of hometown hero over on the side stage and they were pretty sweet. Sparta was great and dashboard wasn't that bad either. Of course Weezer was the best. Seriously, I've never yelled that loud at a concert before. Rivers was pretty funny with his random nonsense and the set list was just great. 6 songs from pinkerton? wow. i went crazy when they opened it up with el scorcho. honestly, that was just so great. words can not do it justice. i can't wait 'till i get to see them again. thanks for a great show!" ---gersky and keef
- "...alright, tonight's show was my first since kalamazoo in on the green album tour. all was good. 4 songs from pinkerton, including pink triangle... pyrotechnics were fantastic. i also loved the rising drum platform and hidden =w=!! rivers was GQ for sure. what a pimp. the crowd was hype and the band was right on. way to go - keepin' the rock pure!...peace out." ---mendo, kinch, dude, lara, dudek, zopfi
- "...Hey, I just got back from =w= at DTE in Detroit Rock City. I have to say despite the monstrous traffic, it rocked amazingly hard. Blew the midget tour out of the water in my opinion. Scott really blew me away with his Elvis meets DuffMan thrusting bass playing stance. Rivers was actually crackin some jokes tonight while sporting his sunglasses. Brian as usual held it down in the true style that is him. And Pats, pyro driven perfomance raised the roof if you know what I mean. Thanks again to Weezer for a great show." ---Eric Detroit Rock City
- "...Just got home from the concert in Clarkston, MI and i was just completely blown away by the set list!!!!!! the only way it could've been better is if they played getchoo or tired of sex. every song they played i was just in shock..i mean it doesn't get much better than Pink Triangle, Why Bother, Simple Pages (my fave song from the green album) and every other amazing song they played. and rivers looked awesome in his pinstriped suit and sunglasses and was just KICKING ASS on guitar. honestly that was by far the greatest concert i've ever been to and probably will ever go to. THANK YOU all so much for being the best band ever and putting on the best concerts! Dashboard and Sparta rocked too!" ---Katie
- "...Having been to many recent =w= shows, I didn't know how the boys were going to improve on their past amazing sets. Having Sparta and Dashboard definitely helped. Sparta rocked the house, and Dashboard was spectacular. Being a DC fan myself, I had exhausted myself and my voice screaming out their lyrics, and didn't know if I could continue being that hyped up for the weez. Well, never fear, the second I heard the first riff of weezer's set, I was renergized and ready to rock out. Although I missed GA and 'moshing,' I liked that I got to truly enjoy the music- -and that's the point. I also liked the varied setlists--and PINK TRIANGLE! That was the most exciting part of the night, for sure. Rivers rocked the business suit, not to mention the flashy shades. He should wear both more often. The raising of the giant =w= was, not to be repetitive, spectacular. It was monumental. If the following Weezer tours are even half as amazing as tonight's was, then I can die a happy woman." ---Lola
- "...just got back from the show in detroit. didn't catch the side stage bands, it was a little confusing. but we heard sparta and dashboard confessional. they were both pretty decent, it's a hard job to open for weezer. all the fans just get impatient waiting for the weez. d.c. had a nice ode to the refused during a little drum solo. though i'm not quite sure they can really pull off swedish hardcore, it was a valiant effort. on to the main event. it was amazing. the set list was wonderful. it was so great to hear SIX pinkerton songs played live. rivers looked real sharp in that pinstriped suit and shades. (although i'm not quite sure what the "don't mess with texas" stuff was all about.) the highlight of the show for me was the lifting of the platform that pat's drum set was on, revealing the giant light up flying w. it was and awesome sight to see. pat looked like god up there, the god of drums. wonderful show, please come back to detroit rock city real soon. we love you." ---christine
- Second Stage: "...Hey whats up Karl. I'm just giving a report on what went down at stage 2 in DETROIT ROCK CITY, because i don't see many reviews of the second stage. Loudermilk was insane, Issac their drummer was a little too KICK ASS. That little spud... Anyways, HTH was amazing as well, the crowd fell in love with them. We actually had a chance to talk to them (my freinds and I htat is) before their set, and they are very down to earth guys. We actually tried to use them to get backstage to meet =w= but no dice there. AM Radio was last and while they were a little more poppy than the pervious two, they still rocked it out hard. On their last song they started singing "like a virgin" and invite the previous tow bands onstage for a quick jam session. That was probably history in the making, everyone loved it. But by the time they were done another band, i forget what their name was, started with 'w' or something, had started so we had to go back and watch them. But theres the shimmy on Stage Deuce, at least from DETROIT." ---later, Pat