You've got me waiting, waiting on you! This article pertains to something that is currently in production and expected to be released. Information on this page is subject to change as more is found out about this release.
Alone XVI: OK Human is a forthcoming digital compilation by Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo, consisting of demos for what would eventually become the band's 2021 album, OK Human. It will be the sixteenth installment in the Alone series. Like other Alone entries released from 2020 onward, it will not be an album in the conventional sense, instead consisting of a folder of MP3s accessible through the cloud storage service Dropbox or through Cuomo's bespoke music streaming website/mobile app, Weezify. Cuomo added a placeholder for Alone XVI to his digital storefront on April 24, 2024, though the compilation has yet to be released.
File list
See also