Historic event: 02/14/1992

From Weezerpedia

weezer's first practice

valentine's day 1992 marked the first time rivers, matt, pat, and jason cropper [playing acoustic guitar] practiced together as weezer. Rehearsals continued for 3 days straight at TK productions in West L.A.. At this point the band did not have a name, and debate over the name had started. The third day's rehearsal was taped, becoming the earliest "live" performance recording of the band. The third day was also the day that the group was visited by Karl and Patrick Finn, who were curious to see what this new band made up of their buddies was sounding like after 3 days solid playing together. They arrived to a very hot sweaty room, containing 3 clothed people and one [Jason] who had inexplicably decided to strip down to nothing halfway thru rehearsal. Fortunately for the rest of the people in the room, his acoustic guitar afforded him some modesty.

L to R: 1.Matt and Pat in usual clown mode, taken at 1711 Stoner Ave Apt 1, West L.A., around the time of the first weezer rehearsals; 2. 1711 Stoner Ave, home of Patrick Wilson, Jason Cropper, Pat Finn, Karl Koch, and numerous others from spring '91- spring '92. the bushy'
patio at R was where photo #1 was shot. 3. 2914 Urban Ave, where Rivers rented a small back room and recorded many early weezer demos, this address is mentioned in his demo of the 60 Wrong Sausages song "Tennis Ball"; 4. yes, Stoner Ave!
'[click on any photo for a larger size pop-up version]

See also