Historic event: 09/01/1992
weezer show #21: The Coconut Teaszer, Hollywood
The Coconut Teaszer was one of the 'big 3' Sunset Strip clubs [the other 2 being the Roxy and the Whiskey] that were the big holdouts of the glam-metal scene of the '80s. It was difficult for a "alternative" band like weezer to break into this scene, and the leather-clad regulars tended to clear out when anyone not dressed in full rock garb hit the stage. And weezer dressed in anything but full rock garb! Teaszer bills were always a bizarre mix of glam bands, bar rock bands, morbid looking gothic type bands, and the ocassional pop type band like weezer.
Back to the Teaszer for the 4th time.
Setlist: unknown, aside from this info: this show was the only live performance [or possibly one of 2 live performances] of "The Bottle Of Wine Song", a very nice mellow song. It was followed in tonights set by "Paperface". No other setlist info is known about this show.
no known photos from this show, heres the [rather dashed off] Matt-designed flyer
[click on any photo for a larger size pop-up version]