Karl's Corner - 04/11/2006
04/11/06 spring thaw
...Boston area people: Check the Boston Globe's Arts section tomorrow (4/12) for a brand new interview with Rivers. It's unclear if the interview will appear on the Globe's website yet.
(more soon)
...Well, hell. Looks like the Boston Globe changed their minds! Clearly there was no new Rivers interview in the 4/12 Boston Globe's Arts section. We now know that it has been "pushed back", but we dont know to what day yet. And still no word as to whether it will appear on the Globe's website yet.
We also hear that there will be yet another new Rivers interview in People magazine soon, in the issue coming out Friday, 4/21.
And theres a new short article on the latest in the "world o' Riv" in Boston Magazine online (apparently is not in the print edition however).
...Recent industry shake-ups that indirectly affect weezer, but not in a tangible way (we think).
...French language weezer career retrospective, courtesy Alex.
...tribute band alert: Hear __?__ playing covers of the entire Blue Album and Pinkerton at "The Syndicate" in the UNT Union building in Denton, TX at 9pm on 4/20, just $1.
(more to come)