Karl's Corner - 07/30/2009

From Weezerpedia

2009/07/30 Back To: Back To The Lecture At Hand

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...today the band was back in the studio, working with ´Butch Walker who has been overseeing the more recent sessions of the Album 7 material. The guys worked on a whole new song today as well as finished a demo of yet another song which may be tried out tomorrow. These are very likely the final days of what is known as "tracking", where new music performances are laid down on, er, 'tape' (really on hard drives). By the middle of next week the 7th weezer album will likely be a wrap aside from the mixing, tweaks, and alchemy that goes on before its ready for prime time. Some of the album is already finished, from work done over the winter and mixing done in the Spring by Rich Costey in NYC. Since then, some (about half) of those songs were touched up/re-worked, and a clutch of new eggs were hatched by the chicken coop. Now comes the omlettes.

...Check out Weezer's "Why Bother?" in the upcoming Guitar Hero 5 game coming on September 1st! For more on GH5 click here.