Weezer concert: 09/24/1996

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Weezer concert: 09/24/1996
Weezer concert: 09/24/1996 cover
Promotional flyer
Tour Pinkerton Tour
Venue Tower Records
Location Los Angeles, California
Date September 24, 1996
Associated album Pinkerton
Bootleg Exists; partially circulating
Weezer live show chronology
09/08/1996 - Madrid, Spain 09/24/1996 - Los Angeles, CA 09/26/1996 - Los Angeles, CA

Weezer performed in the Tower Records east parking lot in Los Angeles, California on September 24, 1996 as part of the Pinkerton Tour. This show was done to celebrate the release of Pinkerton, though the album's title was darkened out on their background banner due to the then-ongoing lawsuit from security firm Pinkerton's Inc.[1]

Notable attendees included Daniel Brummel, member of Ozma and co-writer of Eulogy for a Rock Band, and Allthingsweezer boardie BringHomeTheTurkey. A photo from this concert was later used as the cover art for "The Good Life" EP.



The setlist was reportedly lost during the concert, leading to a partly improvised setlist.[2]

No. Song
1 "Undone - The Sweater Song  
2 "My Name Is Jonas  
3 "Pink Triangle  
4 "No One Else  
5 "Buddy Holly  
6 "Why Bother?  
7 "In the Garage  
8 "Getchoo  
9 "Say It Ain't So  
10 "The Good Life  
11 "El Scorcho  
12 "Surf Wax America  
Source: [2]

Historic event

See Historic event: 09/24/1996 (b)
25 years ago today, weezer played a free outdoor show in the “extra” parking lot of Tower Records on the Sunset Strip in L.A. Behind them was a massive banner emblazoned with the artwork from their album that was released that day, “Pinkerton”. Because the Pinkerton Security company had filed a cease-and-desist order over the album title, a @kroq banner was stuck over the word “Pinkerton”, and Rivers would shortly after the show be in a courtroom explaining the story of Puccini’s Madame Butterfly to a judge, in a (thankfully successful) attempt at allowing stores to stock the album. This weirdness was a bummer but yet it was somehow a fitting launch to an amazing, strange, and beautiful album that confused and infuriated much of the fan base and critics who had come to love The Blue Album in the preceding 2 years. The band poured all of their heart and soul into that album, reveling in the chaos and beauty they were wielding. It just took most of the world a while to catch up and groove on the raw power. 25 years later, the album and the band live on, and the music on Pinkerton continues to stoke up the band and fans alike. Here's a few glimpses of the album as it was being made (started 8/95 [ostensibly as "Songs From The Black Hole"], completed 8/13/96)

- Karl Koch




See also


  1. Historic event: 09/24/1996 by Karl Koch. Archived on Weezerpedia.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Daniel Brummel (September 24, 1996). "ACCOUNT OF WEEZER LIVE; BOOTLEGS". Message sent to Weezer-Rules mailing list. Screenshot: File:1996-09-24 Daniel Brummel - ACCOUNT OF WEEZER LIVE - weezer-rules message.jpg.