Karl's Corner - 07/06/2002

From Weezerpedia

07/06/02 the motherboard connection

updated 7/12: added fans' reports

Enlightenment Tour Day 1: Salt lake City UT; E Center

Main Stage: Sparta, Dashboard Confessional, Weezer
Second Stage: Loudermilk, Home Town Hero, Am Radio (at "Xcape", downtown)
...Okay, here we go! The kids poured into the E Center and were totally psyched. Weezer did a Midget Tour date at this very same place last fall, and while the quantity of concert goers was about the same, the sheer stoke factor present was really impressive tonight. Perhaps its the summer heat, perhaps its the excitement generated by the new "almost anything goes" setlists and the all-new stage setup, but whatever it was, the whole place was on its feet and screaming more often than not...All in all a fantastic start to the Enlightenment Tour.

...the first batch of Salt lake fans' show reports that came in via email...

  • "...After seeing Weezer three times last year (San Francisco, Boise, and hometown show in Salt Lake City), we were anxious to see the boys again. As always they did not disappoint. Too many great memories to mention, but the highlights were the stage raising Pat in the air above the lighted =w=eezer symbol, Rivers' cute suit (sez Sandra), and getting the set list from the sound guys. Thanks to Weezer for coming back to Salt Lake City, and hope to see them again on the next go round..." ---William and Sandra D.
  • "...That was the best =w= concert I've ever been to. I've been seeing =w= for years and that was the best I have ever seen them. PAT TORE IT UP! I don't have any crazy story or anything to share... I'm getting too old for the pit, so I opted for the reserved tickets this time... we scored tickets for the second row of the first section. It was nice to have an unimpeded view and a little space to spread out. Weezer is so much better when you're not being asphixiated by 16-year olds trying to get 3 inches closer to the band. Dashboard was AWESOME too. Their stage show is tightly bound together and cohesive... Sparta acted like they were an experienced and veteran group. Their sound was unique, and I would have to say that they certainly belong on the same stage as =w= and Dashboard... Anyway... Rivers in a suit... that's classic..." ---Tim B.
  • "...OH MY GOD!! That's all i can say. That was my first concert EVER and it was sooo AWESOME!! Sparta and DC were so cool. The pyro was so insane, and i loved what you guys did with the =w=. I loved it when they did "say it ain't so" it took all my energy i had left to scream at the top of my lungs the words. I wasn't singing, i was yelling the words. When they started playing "Undone" and then they stopped, I yelled as loud as I could I LOVE YOU RIVERS!!! and he looked over at me and was like ... yeeeah! It just barely hit me last night.. I was going to see weezer, the greatest band in the world, that i have loved since the first time i heard "Buddy Holly". I didn't fall asleep until about 5 last night, cuz i was soo stoked about seeing weezer. I loved the concert. It was so awesome, and i just wanted to tell you guys what a great job you did!! Rivers (Who looks VERY sexy in a suit!!) was so good, and i loved the concert. Thanks so much for coming to Salt Lake, and COME BACK SOON!!!!..." ---Christy S.
  • "...Well, sweet lord was that a good show. Sparta and Dashboard were awesome, and I must say, that all of the "waiting" music was sweet. . .i was waiting for a little Van Halen, but alas, there was none. When I saw Pat, Brian, and Scott walk out . . it was divine, but then Rivers sauntering out . . .(it was almost a mosey) with a suit! Man alive, it was good moment in my life, and the shades . . . what can i say, they're all babes. Such pearls from heaven, like surfwax america, el scorcho, glorious day, modern dukes, slave, why bother, across the sea, buddy holly, island in the sun, and some more that i can't remember because the crowd-surfing idiots. I've never heard of buddy holly reffered to as "meat and potatoes", but hey, i'm not the one who wrote the song! there were a plethora of lovely comments made by the man in the suit all night long. . .it was great. "Obey you master" and "I've got you right where i want you" were great or the "intro" to island that was "put two feet on the floor for this one" . . .but the best was the madonna one that left his lips. the pryo work was divine, and there's a new layout for the =w= . . . all of the shredding and feedback after "say it ain't so" was just more than i could handle for one night! the only thing that sucked were the t-shirts. what in the hell were you guys on when you approved to designs for those . . honestly . . .i could do a better job for free . . . it's alright because i just got the weerez one online is instances such as these. Everyone put out tonight, and at the teck kiosk (as i like to call it) Karl was videotaping and there was this sweet skateboard that i just wanted to take . . .but i didn't. I guess that's the utah mormon in me shining through (as it rarely does)!..." ---natalie
  • "...I just arrived back from the show in SLC and all I have to say is Wow. Everything was perfect. By far the best live performance I have ever seen in my life. Sparta was awesome. I'd only heard a bit of their stuff, but they really rocked out. Their lead singer came down and talked to some of us at the front of GA after Dashboard's set too. He was a really cool guy.Dashboard was great. Chris is awesome and they weren't too rowdy, which helped with energy levels. They left a few songs out of their set though(one of which I caught). They need Best Deceptions & The sharp hint of new tears. I dug what they played though. Then the big Weez. I'd first like to say that I like Scott's new hair. I like the fact that Rivers was shaved, was wearing a suit, and sunglasses. He was hip. The set list was awesome. Keep the Pinkerton coming. Modern Dukes sounded awesome. Also, Pats "Elevated" experience was awesome. Say It Aint so as the encore was awesome, especially because of the chant the crowd had going on. Awesome show, and the Enlightenment tour is going to rock the universe..." ---Bert
  • "...I just got back from the first stop on the Enlightenment Tour and I am very pleased. The show was radical! The pyro was as promised INSANE. Thanks to Weezer for the Pinkerton, I was truly surprised and excited about those four amazing songs. This was my third time seeing Weezer in concert and it just keeps on getting better. Keep up the good work. Two thumbs was up for Sparta and Dashboard also! Thanks to everyone for the fantastic show, and to Weezer for some great music!..." ----Heather
  • "...I would just like to express my appreciation for such a fun night. Honestly, I haven't had that much fun in a while. I'm glad you guys came to enlighten our boring town of Salt Lake. The set was perfect, (except for the absence of Only in Dreams.) The pyros were spectacular, and the band played beautifully. You guys truly do rock. Oh yeah, and Karl shook my hand which topped off the night perfectly. Thanks again...." ---Josh
  • "...that concert was pretty cool. i like the big w's. i was sad that they didnt play take control, burndt jamb, or in the garage but thats okay. my friend threw up a lot after the concert, but she still liked it."---Sean
  • "Side stage" report: "...I went to afterparty, but had to leave after AM Radio :(. But they were totally worth the $5. Man, they rock. I loved the bass lines and the vocals, especially. Some of the stuff was pretty strange, which is always good. The only problem I had with them was the guy with the Marshall was way too loud. Their songs and energy were great though. Unfortunately I didn't have enough money to get their CD. I talked to the lead singer for a bit after the show, he was way cool. Anyways, great show(s)!.." ---Mike D
  • "...So...my hairy lame ass sufficiently rocked, I made my way to the sidestage at club Xscape, and was a little disappointed that not very many people showed up. But the energy from the Weezer show was still pulsing in my veins, so all was not lost." ---ryan c

Keep Fishin' report:
tomorrow: look for keep fishin on mtv and mtv2!!!!