Karl's Corner - 08/15/2001

From Weezerpedia

8/15/01 more everything - UPDATED!

UPDATE: see =rwa= general weezer news (link @ top right) for news re: bass player fill in audtions and ticket news.

Spike: "put the marshmallows all over Rivers."
Trainer: "but the bear will climb all over the actor..."
Spike: "thats all right!"

...I'd just like to apologize about yesterday's post, I do realize it was pretty confusing. The reason it was so confusing was that we really didnt know what was going on enough, but still wanted to let you know what we knew. But we didn't exactly have enough hard data....

...today we have a little more. We have learned that Mikey has checked into a psychiactric hospital, we think in his hometown of Boston. However, we unfortunately still dont know whats wrong with him, and continue to find it very difficult to find out any more from those who might know. We wish him the very best and we hope he comes back soon. But in the meantime, due to the circumstances at hand with the upcoming tours and such, we are indeed hastily scheduling try-outs for a replacement player for the upcoming gigs, JUST IN CASE Mikey isn't able to return.

...and as reported before, the guys are learning new songs together in rehearsal, and they are up to 23 BRAND new (written within the last month) songs. I have witnessed their latest rehearsal and these songs sound great!! Rock music par excellance.

...upcoming USA tour to include Internet-only ticket presales! Via ArtistDirect, many (all?) of the upcoming September USA weezer shows will be having special on-line ticket presales, "designed so the Online Weezer fans can get early access
to tickets before the public on-sale." How do you get the presale tickets? follow this Weezer Tickets Page link! (this link will also be up in our "Tour" page and RWA news page shortly...)

THIS WEEK'S pre-sale:
9/21 - Chicago, IL show at the United Center
presale starts on Friday, August 17 at 1:00pm CT / 11:00am PT
presale ends on Friday, August 17 at 10:00pm CT / 8:00pm PT
the public on-sale starts on Saturday, August 18 at 1:00pm CT

...Island Video 2: "Weezer...with...The Animals!"-J.S. Other band business concerns notwithstanding, this was still one of the longest, hardest and ultimately most positive and productive workdays in weezer's history. Rivers said it was "truly a real growing experience", and that reflected a day where major physical and psychological hurdles had to be cleared, all in the name of making some magic! Photography for the new "Island In the Sun" video, directed by Spike Jonze, was wrapped up at sunset today, after a LONG day which started at 6 AM on the dot. That meant getting up at 5 AM in order to make the drive way up into the hills of Chatsworth, to a private ranch at the top of Browns Canyon. This ranch included land that used to be a part of the military's early missile defence system, so it was a weird combo of idyllic wilderness and run-down roads and barracks and stuff. We got there before the sun was up, had a bit of breakfast, and made our way to the shoot site, a little valley of beautiful hillocks and trees. As the sun rose, the 45 billion grasshoppers who were hidden in the tall grasses all suddenly came to life, followed closely by over 900 billion biting black flys who liked to burrow in peoples ears. After donning earplugs to prevent that from happening every 30 seconds, I started taking pictures of the action unfolding- weezer hanging out with a 500 pound bear! This was a tense start to the day but the guys were champs, and the beast took a special liking to Pat, nearly flattening him with love and bear slobber. We then moved on to shots with a bear cub, a posse of lion cubs, and a black panther. The animal handlers were run ragged trying to keep all the animals obedient and safe, and the guys had to deal with repeated exposure to things like an unleashed black panther standing 3 feet away, growling to the sky like the "MGM" lion! Standing at the ready at all times were a pair of trained paramedics, who by law must attend animal film work in case someone gets attacked by an animal!

Rivers (standing 5 feet from an unleashed panther) "so what if we, uh, like, bolted in fear right now?"
Animal Trainer: "that....would be very bad"

As the hours progressed slowly towards lunchtime, the temperature soared to over 105 degrees, and tons of water and sunblock was the only defense. This was one of the hottest days of the year so far for LA, and here we were 10 miles up a steep dusty road, hanging around in a dry field with wild animals! Despite the rough conditions, most of the shots came out beautifully, and both Rivers, Pat and Brian made a lot of new animal freinds. After lunch we moved on to a sheep, a very lovable chimpanzee, a barrage of puppies and kittens, a trio of wild squirrels(!), back to more work with the chimp, and finally several sunset shots with a giraffe! Everyone was utterly exhausted, but in great spirits, and Spike was really excited by what had been filmed today. Everyone did an AMAZING job, from the caterers to the camera operators to the numerous tech assistants, to the animal handlers, to the band, and especially our furry animal friends!

and now the editing process must commence, and there is a lot of fantastic footage for Spike and co. to wade though! I, for one, can't wait to see this video!

...oh yeah, there's yet another temporary weezer.net email problem going on, i havent gotten any email on that account since yesterday night. its supposed to come back in a day or so and then all the waiting messages will finally come in. sorry if your message requred an urgent response, but i do NOT have it yet!

...Green Album Radio/Video Reports part 18: 8/5+...what YOUR requests are doing...(note the reports from 4/10-8/4 have been copied over to the "Fans' news pages")
Want to request a weezer song anywhere in the USA?
A fan has set up a handy Radio Station Contact List Page with phone #s and email links to many stations nationwide!

...Weezer this week acording to the billboard charts has gained a lot of radio play. I don't know how much, but it says every thing marked in yellow got more airplay than the week before. Plus it is labeled Airpower. Anyways it has been on the modern rock charts for 5 weeks, and each week it keeps getting bigger and bigger. This week it went from 21 to 19. Although Hash Pipe is still big it has dropped from the 4 position (which they've been for a while) to the 5. It probably raised because radio station are now making room for Island in the Sun and cutting back on Hash Pipe. This will probably increase over the next week Also.

...Weezer's "Island in the Sun" video is now being played on medium rotation at MuchMusic (Canadian. I'm not sure if this applies to the States too, but I assume it does) starting August 10. If you want to request the video, e-mail Much @ ondemand@muchmusic.com.
The brand new second single "Island in the sun" is in high rotation on
MUCHMUSIC (the Canadian version of MTV but only better, they play real music
and videos) "hashpipe" is still going strong in the vidoe top 30 countdown

...Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I've heard "Simple Pages" being
played on LA/Orange County's KROQ 106.7 a few times. I've been hearing more
Weezer being played. I think "Island in the Sun" and "Hashpipe" are still on
the most played list as well. The more Weezer the better!!! =w= -Vivian, CA

...I live in Wisconsin, and WMAD (the best radio station around) has been playing Island In the Sun a bunch! Weezer recognition once again!

...Philly: i was listening to mix 95.7 and i heard "new mix music-weezer island in the
sun" then they played the song. i freaked out and called the station and she
said she liked weezer and was hoping to play some stuff off of blue as soon
as she could. I told her thank you like 40 times just for playing weezer. she
said anytime. so =w= fans are moving small mountains...

...On 97.5 Kpoi the 1 hour new show every Friday has the top ten new most
wanted. Last week weezer was # 1 (thanks 2 me). I called up to vote for them
and I asked where their ranked this week. He said he couldn't tell but they
are very close to what they were last week. The only thing I don't get is
why isn't Island in the sun in rotation if they won the voting?? Oh im sorry
america loves train (not) so those bastards have to play them every 5
minutes. If you want to request it call 808-599-KPOI

...I live in Virginia Beach and for the record we have 2 promanant rock
stations fm99 WNOR and 96X WROX well in the what 4 yr down time between
albums 96X has played the boys (=w= ) on a pretty regular rotation I really
doubt there was a week that i didnt here something from the 2 albums being
the blue and Pinkerton now the other station could give a shit about any =w=
i think there to retarded there brains are so jammed with hard rock all the
time . So now to the present fm 99 still dont play any .... on 96 in a 4 day
span I have heard hash pipe 3 or 4 times Island in the sun is starting to
get regular play ..... the good life is getting played ... I think your
getting the point

...I live in Vicenza, Italy on a military base and thought you'd like to hear
that "Island in the Sun" is getting some rotation on the American radio
broadcasts here. Also, I heard during an Military News segment called
"Combat Camera" (a show where they show pictures from around the Armed
Services while playing a song in the background). The song yesterday was
"Island In the Sun".

...I was listening to a local radio station and the "coolest" dj mentioned on
air that Weezer sucks and they are the worst band he's heard since their blue
album. I'm sure all Weezer fans are outraged by this comment. Everyone should
call Q104 and let Bradshaw know Weezer rocks! 573-634-1041

...I am a high school
radio DJ and my partner, Andrea Squared, and I constantly play Weezer's
b-sides as well as everything from the blue album to the green. "Mastah P"
is our supervisor, he was mentioned in another e-mail. We are WDGC 88.3FM
and every Weezer fan just west of Chicago should tune in on Monday mornings
from 8 to 10. We will be playing them!
-Sarah Sky, from WDGC 88.3FM

...89x (88.7 FM, Detroit/Windsor) and
Island in the Sun was playing... that was the first time I heard it on the
radio... On the way to Kansas City from Mich. (somewhere in Indiana at the time of the
spotting...) they had Hash Pipe on the radio... on some pop station, no

... in TV guide a few weeks ago, the Cheers and Jeers
section gave Weezer Cheers for finally showing fat people in videos. They
referred to the Hash Pipe video and the sumo wrestlers in it.

...here in chicago Q101 (101.1) is about the only
station that plays =w= hashpipe is played reguarly, and island in the sun has
been like 4 or 3 on the top 9 at 9 over the last week or 2

...i just wanted to let you know that weezer's hashpipe and island in the sun are both on 91X's playlist in san diego. five months ago, you'd have to twist their arm to play buddy holly. also, the djs at premium/independent radio (92.1) have been giving you loyal airplay from the start, including classics like el scorcho. weezer is alive and well on san diego radio. --cindy

...weezer is alive and well in central arkansas and has been getting quite a bit of
airplay on both 103.7 the buzz and lick 106.3 just yesterday i drove by a
construction site and heard "island in the sun" blaring from one of their
pick-up trucks. rock on and great job with the column.

...here in Canby, Oregon, the radio station 94.7 KNRK has been playing
Island in the sun regularly now.

...My local radio station has been playing "Island in the Sun" every single
day. The amazing thing is that I live in rural Western Kansas and the usual
playlist on KKAN-KQMA is country music and farm reports. What a relief to
finally have a reason to listen to the local station. Big thanks to Weezer
for putting a little rock on the radio out here in farm country!

...NYC, K-rock: This week Island in the Sun moved up two spots to number nine on the radio
playlist, it's been on a big climb since it started (37-25-16-11-9), Hash
Pipe has fallen a massive 10 spots to number 28, it was at number 18 the past
two weeks after a huge drop off from number 8. Well, it has had a great run
and considering it's been on Krock for so long it's nothing to be ashamed of!

...101x in austin, tx played "Island" today at like 1:00. and the dj said that the album and hash pipe are awesome. sweet. And to think a week ago i was complaining that they werent playing it. kripes.

...I called my local radio station, K99, in Great Falls, Montana, they play all modern music. I requested Weezer, the guy said he'd love to play Weezer, but he's not aloud to!!

...i was watching MTV this morning (i couldn't find anything to watch) and i saw
a commercial for Target. (you know, the guy that drops the cd and it goes
into a gutter fence thing or slot) i was just thinking "o that would be cool
if it was weezer". and very wierdly, it was! they showed some of the "hash
pipe" video. it was cool how they promoted the weezer cd.

...As for the actual radio, 92.3 WXRK K-Rock, the major NY fad...er...modern
rock radio station in the area has been lending a suprising amount of support
to the Green Album, featuring "Hashpipe" in heavy rotation, and even
squeezing in a little "Island in the Sun" between doses of Drowning Pool and
Limp Bizkit (sucks!). So even though it's not Stain'd (the original band in
a can), the Green Album is getting in its licks.

...Just wanted to let you know what is happening in milwaukee, I work 7-
4 monday thru friday and have not yet heard Island in the Sun, I hear hash
pipe once maybe twice a day. The radio around here absolutely sux. Creed,
Staind, and BAD VanHalen rule the air waves.

...according to 97.9 WGRD (Grand Rapids, Michigan), The Green Album is the 8th most wanted CD in west michigan. Blink 182's take off your pants and jaket is #1.

...here in dallas 102.1 KDGE (the edge) is playing the
s*** out of weezer! "hash pipe" and "island in the
sun" are both on the playlist and are being played
constantly! also, they still play "say it ain't so"
and "buddy holly"!there arent many artists who get 4
of their songs played on the edge...

...Today (August 6) I was listening to GRD (97.9, I live in Grand Rapids
Michigan) and guess what song came on? HASH PIPE!! I was so hyped! You
know what happened next--every radio in the house was turned on to the
max! It was SO rad!!! It totally made my morning and i swear that i woke
up every neighbor of mine but who cares, i was rockin!

...I was having a bad day at work the other day when I heard "Buddy Holly" on the radio. I immediately cheered up and cranked up the radio as loud as I called to my co-workers dismay. 93.3 Merge F.M. and 102.1 The Edge are playing "Island" too now. You have no idea how bad ass it is to have Weezer being played on the radio down here in Dallas all the time

...hey i just wanted to tell you that 89X in windsor/detroit area has been
playing hashpipe island in the sun & even photograph! 89x produced the weez
concert @ teh dearborn skate park!GO WEEEEEZ!

...In Dallas, TX, 102.1 The Edge plays weezer ALL THE TIME! I've heard "Island
in the Sun" at least a bajillion times today and a few days ago, they did a
weezer quarter and they played about 5 weezer songs in a row it was awesome!
("Hash Pipe", "Island in the Sun", "Undone", "Buddy Holly", and "Say it Ain't
So") Edge DJ's love weezer!! ANd Dallas does too! "Island in the Sun" has
been in the top 5 most requested every night so, it's pretty awesome.

...I was in germany not long ago and I heard hash pipe on the radio a few
times and on Mtv Germany not only did they play the video but they also made
fun of American Mtv for having to call it H Pipe. Just thought you might
like to know that Carson Daly is being made fun of.

...Weezer is still on the playlist of (Channel) Radio X3M (at Finnish Broadcasting Company); now at 22...

...i was listening to FM99 in chesapeake virginia, (98.7)
and i heard say it aint so. kick ass. the dj said,
here is some weezer, just because i can." cool dude.

...i was just listenin to Y100 in philly and they were doing this new &
local music thing, where they play local music, unreleased tracks off cds,
new artists, things like that. the dj started talking about this band homie,
and i heard "rivers and matt" and immediately thought WEEZER. so the guy was
like "...they only released one song, and here it is" (i think it was called
american girls? i didn't hear it well) i couldn't believe it, i was freaking

...my friends & i were driving around. & the
local 'punk', 'indie' station, 89.9 KGRG of auburn, played 'el scorcho'.
this station often plays 'pinkerton' more than the other albums.

...i was driving home from seattle about a week ago & the dj from the
same station said they'd probably get into trouble for playing the next
song. which just happened to be 'island in the sun'. i have NO clue why
they'd get in trouble for playing that song. i don't think the head of the
station likes that song or something? but right after 'island in the sun'
they played 'smile'! nice!!

...I was watching the Mariners a couple days ago and when it came time to change innings Island in the sun comes on and right after the song one of the mariners hits a homer so Weezer doesn't only rock they are also good luck .=

...I was waiting in the car and while I was "channel surfing" on
the radio I stopped on Rock 101 KUFO and they announced that they were
about to play new stuff from Weezer. It took them over an hour before
they finally played Hash Pipe. Afterwards Al Scott gave kind of a long
talk about Weezer saying... " you know that guy...what's his name?
Cuomo...River (not Rivers) Cuomo, yeah, well he's working on some new
stuff apparently...yeah, he's apparently recording some new music with
the band. They're hoping to have a new record out by or around the
holidays...they must really hate their new record..." I think that's
the jist of what he said. (It sounded like he just got done reading your
Karl's Corner). The next day I turned on that station and they only
advertised Hash Pipe for 25 minutes. They must be trying to get their
ratings up by having Weezer fans wait patiently wait by their stereos.

...I (stephen g) heard dont let go on 101.1 the
point fm on maui. then i heard photograph. we then
listened to hash pipe on the radio and my mom got
offended so she shut it off right as island in the
sun's intro was being played.

...Island has moved up to #4 on the most played list for KROQ LA (106.7)

...Also Kroq is doing a block party weekend all weekend long. Their
advertisement is just 6 faces, and wouldn't you know it, right there next to
Kurt Cobain is Rivers!

...I've never heard Hash Pipe on the radio here in Ireland, and there's
only one show that it might possibly be played on, which is late at
night. However, at work yesterday the radio was on, and they had a guest
DJ co-presenting the happy-happy afternoon weekend type show; and the
co-presenter started making these strange noises sounding kinda like the
riff to Hash Pipe, then started singing the chorus, and finished off
with "I GOT MY HASH PIPE!" which would have been censored if it was
expected! Got a reply of "ummm... alrighty then! and in other news..."
from his co-presenter, but really made my day!

...just wanna let you know that on KNDD 107.7 the end in
SEattle, they've been playing HASHPIPE and ISLAND IN
THE SUN lots and both have stayed in the top three for
a real long time

...i was down in cape cod and i saw it there. It was located at spinnaker's in hyannis, massachusetts.

...SD local radio station Premium 92.1 has been playing photograph along
with the other 2 singles.

...here in Ireland weezer is in most shops and is getting loads of play on such channels as mtv 2 and kerrang.hash pipe and buddy holly are on mtv 2 most wanted chart and they are both up for selection on kerrang

...here in Seattle Weezer is being played over and over. Good, you say? not
really. 107.7 the end plays only "Hash Pipe" and "Island", sure there good
songs but both every hour of the day? and to think Weezer has two other very
good albums.

...I heard Island in the sun on xfm (104.9) the only alternative radio station
in the uk yesterday. The DJ gave weezer loads of praise which was pretty cool

...I was having the crapiest day, and as I turned on KWOD 106.5 (in scorching Sacramento) while muttering, "I'll probably hear the damned Puddle of Mud song," the DJ said, "This is gonna make you feel good," and he played Island in the Sun. Not surprisingly, it did make me feel better! With =w=, no one has to feel bad anymore

...this morning in my car i heard star 98.7 (kysr) play "island in the sun". and
the modern rock station kroq 106.7 is playin "island in the sun" hash pipe"
and "simple pages" a ton of times

...g106.3 (monmouth, nj) played the weekly top 10 last night, and island in the
sun was #3. the countdown is based on requests for the week.

...Hey karl KROQ in LA played "simple pages" and i was so happy that they are
playing more and more songs from the green album. Now on KROQ's Block
Party(continuous songs of one band) they will have plenty weezer songs to
play. =w= rules.

...just wanted to mention that i heard island in the sun
on a radio station here in montreal called CHOM
97.7FM. it was #3 on the top 8 at 8!

...hey karl i just wanted to let tell you that island in the sun has done
awesome this week on k-rock in NYC. it moved up from #11 to #9 on their
playlist and hash pipe is at #28 which is also great. its getting annoying
now though cuz that stupid afroman song is getting played almost as much as
weezer and thats just wrong man.

..."Island in the Sun"
is finally getting played on the most decent of the
Lafayette, Louisiana area radio stations, planet radio
96.5. They even included a snippet of it in a spot
that plays throughout the day showcasing the best of
the new stuff they're playing (along with Jimmy Eat
World, etc.) The djs really seem to like the cd, and
they played the hell out of "Hash Pipe." In fact,
today within 2 hours they played both singles. YAY!

...as i was driving with my mom to my friend roxy's house (we're both major weemos), i heard "simple pages" on 106.7 kroq! i guess they're playing it now. later on that day, too, i heard "o girlfriend" played at tower records on the 3rd street promenade in santa monica. ALSO, in american pie 2, in once scene, they play "hash pipe". thought that was really cool, and we held our weezer signs high in the air before we realized that we probably were bothering someone. on 91x (san diego station, we hear it up in LA, too), they played a weezer block, and the dj said, "there's nothing more i like than weezer." seems that the weezer love is far reaching around these parts!!!

...I heard the coolest thing on the radio today. While I was listening to
KROQ 106.7, the d.j. played Island In The Sun and after the song he went on
the say that he couldn't get enough of that song and he could play it all the
time. He then decided that he loved the song so much because of the chocolate
frosting, but then realized that songs can't have chocolate frosting. He also
said that everyone should go to Inland Invasion on August 25th or else
Weezer would cry and tickets are still on sale (lawn seats like mine)

...Don't know if you've heard this yet, but KROQ in Los Angeles is starting to
play "Simple Pages" - I heard it twice this weekend. I think both times it
was the DJ "Chuck Roast" - he's obviously the smartest fella at the whole
station, even if he's got a weird name ...

...a couple nights ago i was falling asleep to kroq ("southern california's only
new rock station") and all of a sudden right in between linkin park and
staind they played "simple pages"!!! it was absolutely super.then the next
day they played i again!!!!kroq have been playing "hash pipe" since the album
came out and "island in the sun" for a copuple months but i never expected to
hear any other songs off the new album because it might upset the limp bizkit

...last night around 11:30 on 1077.7 (KNDD, seattle) i heard this way rad techno
remix of "hash pipe". and then today i heard the same station playing "island
in the sun".

...Here in Dallas merge 93.3 is totally faithful to Weezer. (102.1 the Edge is
a little slow but they're starting to catch on). Merge has played all kinds
of dfferent cuts from the green album but is primarily sticking with
"hashpipe" and "island in the sun" for right now.

...after weeks of sucking at the begininng of the summer,
milwaukee radio has finally snapped into shape. Hash
Pipe is constantly in play, I hear it almost once a
day(especially after work, re-establishing =w= as the
late night kings of radio). Today was a great
occasion, as driving around plastering flyers up for
the nada surf/ozma show with friends, we heard "hash
Pipe;" driving home from guitar lessons after
Candlebox I heard "Island in the Sun" on the radio for
the first time(did they remix the song for radio or
something? it sounded great).

...today "Island in the
Sun" is the #7 most requested song on planet radio
96.5 in Lafayette, Louisiana. That may not sound so
great but it is considering they really only started
playing it a few days ago.

...Island is up to #4 now on Kroq LA's most played. (106.7)