Let's Write a Sawng

From Weezerpedia

Let's Write a Sawng is the name of an online song writing collaboration between Rivers Cuomo and his fan base through his YouTube channel RiversCuomoAlone. On Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Rivers posted a link to the first step of the collaboration in his blog on his Myspace. The title of the song has changed several times throughout the writing process. Originally, Cuomo chose the title "80s Radio", which then changed to "We're Turnin' Up the Radio", "Turnin' Turnin'" and finally "Turn It". On NPR's "Fresh Air" Rivers said that he will be submitting it to Weezer for inclusion on Album 7 but if it does not make it, it will definitely appear on some other release.

The final version of the sawng, titled "Turning Up The Radio", is the first track on Death to False Metal.

No. Title Link Release date Description
1 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 1 and Step 2)" YouTube March 19, 2008 Deadline is 9:30 PM Pacific Time
2 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 3: Chords)" YouTube March 21, 2008 Deadline for video comments is Friday, March 28 at 2:37 PM Pacific.

"80's Radio"

3 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 3b)" YouTube March 31, 2008 Step 3b
4 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 4)" YouTube March 31, 2008 DEADLINE is Saturday, April 5 at 3:59PM PST

Step 4 - Arrangement: lay down the drum beat, the synths, the strings, guitars, flute, oboe, harmonica...whatever you want. make it bumpin'. grizzlie's danja and you's timbaland. go to it boy!

5 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 5 & 6?)" YouTube April 7, 2008 DEADLINE is Sunday, April 14 at 10:03 PM Greenwich Mean Time.

Lyrics & Melody

6 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 7. Lyrics.)" YouTube April 14, 2008 DEADLINE - 5:09 PM PACIFIC (Sunday, April 20)

Write some lyrics for danthewelch's dope melody. make it great.

7 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 7'b)" YouTube April 22, 2008 DEADLINE: SUNDAY, 4/27 AT 12:21 PM PST (10:21pm eest)

Team 1: try to make richiestarkey's lyrics a little tougher and sing them over ats5's track. Team 2: try to get the spirit of CapNCrunchitize's lyrics into Danthewelch's melody. go to it boy!

8 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 8. Development)" YouTube April 28, 2008 DEADLINE 6AM PST Monday morning (5/5)!
9 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 9: Revise The Chorus Chords)" YouTube May 6, 2008 Deadline: Sonday 5/11 at 7:03 pm pt.
10 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 10: Bridge Lyrics)" YouTube May 20, 2008 DEADLINE 6:57pm PDT Sunday 5/25
11 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 11)" YouTube May 27, 2008 FILE WILL NO LONGER BE DISTRIBUTED. PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL (messages will not be read).

DEADLINE FOR VIDEO SUBMISSIONS: 2:17PM PDT Thursday, 5/29 Tighten the Track: "we're turnin' up the radio"

12 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 12: The Wish List)" YouTube May 31, 2008 DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY 6/4 @ 6:01PM PDT


13 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 13: Develop the Chorus)" YouTube June 6, 2008 Deadline Mon June 9 @ 4:03PM PDT


14 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 14: Revise the Bridge Lyrics)" YouTube June 13, 2008 Deadline Tuesday 6/17 @ 3:04pm MST

"TURNIN' TURNIN'" (Wish 2)

15 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 15: Chill)" YouTube July 10, 2008 "Turn It"
16 "Let's Write a Sawng (Step 16: Send it to the Wolfs)" YouTube November 15, 2008 "Turn It"

External links