
From Weezerpedia

riverscuomo.com is Rivers Cuomo's personal website.


The domain was purchased by Cuomo's assistant Sheeny Bang in 2002 and officially went live in September of that year. The site's first incarnation looked similar to Karl's Corner at the time except the background was black rather than white. Bang blogged almost daily about her interactions with Cuomo.


In 2003, the website redirected to weezer.com.


In 2004, the site was redirected to Cuomo's MySpace page and remained as such until 2011.


In 2011, Rivers launched a revamped version of the site in the form of a WordPress blog. Among these posts were announcements for things such as the release of The Pinkerton Diaries and various Nerd Night events.


In 2020, Cuomo created a new website with various pages created as assignments for CS50W, an online programming course offered through Harvard that teaches web programming using Python and JavaScript.

  • Riverchat - A chat program.
  • Riverpedia - A wiki about himself, including topics about things such as people in his life, songs he's written, etc.
  • An online storefront for selling his own demos via PayPal, with variable pricing based on song length.
  • Weezify - An audio streaming website/app