Historic event: 12/04/1994
Posted on Weezer's official Facebook page as part of the "Today in Weezer history" series on December 4, 2013.
Today in Weezer History: 12/4/1994 - (CORRECTION) - Show in New Britain, CT, becomes first weezer bootleg. Sometimes when you comb thru history files, mistakes are made, and today is all about correcting them. On Oct 6, we reported that the show played at the Sting in New Britain CT that day was later turned into "Geezer", the first ever Weezer bootleg CD. HOWEVER, as it turns out, that was incorrect. They did play the Sting that day, opening for Live, along with the Fatima Mansions. But that show was not bootlegged! They returned to the Sting on Dec 4, 1994 as headliners, with Boston's Letters to Cleo opening the show. Letters To Cleo's alt singles "Here And Now" and "Awake" were hitting modern rock airwaves at that time. LTC's Bass player Scott Riebling would later figure in again with weezer's history, playing bass on Pinkerton era recordings "I Swear Its True" and "Getting Up And Leaving" (as released on Pinkerton Deluxe Edition). In any event, TODAY'S headlining show at the Sting was illicitly recorded and later turned up on the spring 1995 unauthorized bootleg CD "Geezer", on the Kiwi Records "label". The shows setlist (CD tracklisting): 'intro', my name is jonas, no one else, the world has turned, buddy holly, in the garage, say it aint so, jamie, 'get to my heart' (erroneous title of the eventual Pinkerton track "Getchoo", which the band had introduced to their set around this time), only in dreams, undone, surf wax america. This was first ever weezer show to get bootlegged on CD - but it wouldn't be the last - also pictured here are #2, "American Holiday", and #3 "Rock Candy", both from later in 1995. Many more would follow in the 90s before everything went to Napster and such and bootleg CDs and LPs became just novelties for completest collectors. The 'Geezer' CD is quite rare today, but the audio from this show is not that hard to find as audio files online.