Riverpedia archive - 04/11/2023

From Weezerpedia

Weezify Terms Of Service

Immediately after you confirm a purchase, you should have access to the bundle in the app. You should also receive an email from me with a link to download the files. (Check your spam folder.) IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH YOUR ORDER, PLEASE EMAIL lisa@riverscuomo.com

You can help by rating the demos in your music player.

WEEZIFY: - Once purchased, please don't share. - If you have a close friend, who really can't afford it, and they really want the music, sure, go ahead and share. (But don't post for the general public. For example, on youtube, - weTransfer, pcloud, or soulseek.) - Please tell me if anything looks wrong or if I've made a mistake. For errors involving sensitive material, please email rivers@riverscuomo.com . - And please let me know if it doesn't work as expected. Or if you find you have access to something you shouldn't. Thank you. - I really appreciate it when you alert me to stuff that shouldn't in a given bundle or shouldn't released at all. - Also, please let me know if there's anything I wouldn't want public in all the voice notes. I never thought i would be releasing those. I don't know what's in them. Thank you. - these should be songs that have no co-writers or other performers. - Please feel free to play on the radio if you're a DJ. https://books-r-fun.herokuapp.com/wiki/Market.

( Last edited by Rivers at 2023-04-11T21:59:51Z)