Riverpedia archive - 10/20/2021

From Weezerpedia


Join the Rivers Cuomo server here

In September of 2022, the neighborhood packed up and migrated to Discord, where our community lives on. To link your riverscuomo.com account to Discord, first log into your account at riverscuomo.com. Click on your profile. Enter the 4 digits at the end of your discord name. Your account should be connected within an hour. You won't see any changes, though, until you post a message on discord. Try using the oubliette channel. That's when the script runs. [Note: your rc.com username must be contained within your discord username. NOT case-sensitive. For example, 'Olivia' on my website is contained within the discord username 'Olivia Japes#6669' so the accounts connect.]


Discord conversations happen in channels. At first, this can be confusing to neighbors who our used to the single channel chat from riverscuomo.com. Channels are found separated by categories to ensure maximum cleanliness and organization.

Some channels are restricted to certain roles. Information on roles can be found here.

Town Hall: This is where I make announcements and lay out the rules of life. Only the mayor can post in the Town Hall.

• rules-of-life: Please read the rules of the Rivers Cuomo discord before posting. There's some very important information covered in this section, including hints for navigating the discord.
• mayor: This is the channel in which I make my pronouncements. I try to update everyone on changes to the website and the Discord here.

Rivers' House: This is a category for special help in regards to delegation and future projects. This category is available for serious members of the Neighborhood.

Headquarters: This category is for users with the roles of Camp Counselors, Librarians or Curators/Archivists. Here they can discuss projects relevant to those roles.

Town Square: This category is the evolution of Mr. Rivers' Neighborhood. Here is where the main discussion happens between neighbors.

• gallery: A channel for arttists to post their work -- and for the rest of us to discuss and appreciate.
• podium: Our neighborhood writers and poets can receive and react to writing prompts delivered by one of my assistants. Ask a Camp Counselor to join.
• dan: A channel for Dans and the Dan-minded.
• aunt-vangie: this channel doesn't exist. Delinquents only on this side of the tracks.
• pink-triangle: LGBT+ safe space and discussion. DM user Olivia if you'd like to be added. Check pinned messages in the channel for more information.
• riverchat: for neighbors (people who have moved in for good, own property in the neighborhood, work here, or spend most of their time here).
• ask-rivers: One of my assistants has been studying decades of my interactions. Here you can ask me questions and my assistant will answer for me.

Home Stay: This category is for users who share a common non-english tongue. Pop in and perfect your conjugation.

Outskirts: Sometimes we have visitors to the neighborhood, as well as those looking to move but not ready to make the commitment. This is the category for them.
• wilson-high: For homies and up.
• the-shack: For roadies and up.
• oubliette: This channel is for everybody, including new visitors and my assistant.
• q-and-a-with-rivers: This channel is to answer the questions of new visitors to the neighborhood.

In addition to these text channels, there are also a number of voice channels for gaming, entertainment, and generally conversation. Sometimes I pop in and practice piano on my own voice channel.


As previously mentioned, moving to Discord involves linking your accounts. You might find the trouble adjusting to the new altitude, but user GeeWiz has some tips that may help make the relocation easier, and help you settle in more quickly.

Know Your Property Lines: Find which channels suit you best, and mute others. Being active in every channel could become a full time job.
Keep the Noise Down: Taylor notifications to only channels you frequent. This is where muting comes in handy. GeeWiz only has notifications in the Headquarters and River's House. He occasionally turns them on for riverchat and dan, but only when he's able to multi task.
Observe Applicable Curfews: Accept that the conversation goes on without you. It is often not doable to "catch up." Accept the impermanence of all things and jump into a new conversation.
Keep Up Your Curb Appeal: Stay clam and dress your best.

GeeWiz is also available for help, just ping him in a channel and he will try to assist.

( Last edited by geewiz at 2021-10-20T14:54:44Z)


A quick note about future demo releases: I guess I'm aiming for the fall or winter [of 2021] for the next batch. I think I won't add any more bundles until we're fully migrated to 2.0. it would be very stressful to try to manage two different web stores.

You should receive an email from me, with your bundles, immediately. IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH YOUR ORDER, PLEASE EMAIL lisa@riverscuomo.com


  1. Once purchased, please don't share.
  2. If you have a close friend, who really can't afford it, and they really want the music, sure, go ahead and share. (But don't post for the general public. For example, on youtube, weTransfer, pcloud, or soulseek.)
  3. Please tell me if anything looks wrong or if I've made a mistake. For errors involving sensitive material, please send me an email rivers@riverscuomo.com .
  4. And please let me know if it doesn't work as expected. Or if you find you have access to something you shouldn't. Thank you.
  5. I really appreciate it when you alert me to stuff that shouldn't in a given bundle or shouldn't released at all.
  6. Also, please let me know if there's anything I wouldn't want public in all the voice notes. I never thought i would be releasing those. I don't know what's in them. Thank you.
  7. these should be songs that have no co-writers or other performers.
  8. Please feel to play on the radio if you're a DJ.

I haven't had a chance to make all the audio previews yet so in some cases, if you buy, you're buying sight unseen. Or hearing unheard? For any demo:

  1. It might have silence.
  2. It might be wildly inappropriate.
  3. It might have super low sound quality.
  4. It might just be me rambling, talking, making sounds.
  5. It may have already been shared or leaked.
  6. It might be just a drum beat. it might not have vocals.
  7. It might be a duplicate of another demo.
  8. It might be an inferior version of another demo.
  9. the information provided, such as year and description, might be incorrect.
  10. Also, over time, the contents of each bundle in the market might change.
  11. Or the metadata for a file might change.

On the bright side, I realized I can add files to the dropbox folders after they've gone on sale. That means you can re-download the bundle, or the specific files, and get additional content as I discover it. Very cool.

By the way, This market is my final project for a course I'm taking in web programming.

You can help by rating the demos in your music player at www.riverscuomo.com

( Last edited by Rivers at 2021-10-20T16:23:38Z)

Mike Covers Cuomo

In February 2021, a neighbor named Mike decided to throw a covers concert featuring Weezer songs and other songs of mine as requested by the other neighbors. Mike has now covered over 200 songs, and shows no signs of stopping. He plays every Sunday at 1PM PT on my Discord.

( Last edited by geewiz at 2021-10-20T13:59:41Z)