Riverpedia archive - 11/25/2020

From Weezerpedia



I think I recovered all the bundle connections from my email sent items. If anyone's still missing a bundle in the account page, PLEASE EMAIL* lisa@riverscuomo.com*.

Today I learned that you have no way of reporting emergencies to me when I've stepped away from my computer. We'll have to think about that.

  1. Please tell me if anything looks wrong or if I've made a mistake.
  2. We're live. This is real money. And I can't guarantee that the purchase work. Or that you will care about the demos. At this point, only purchase if you want to help me test the app.
  3. Once purchased, please don't share. Everyone else will have a chance to buy once I'm sure it's working. If you have a close friend, who really can't afford it, and they really want the music, sure, go ahead and share. But don't post for the general public.
  4. And please let me know if it doesn't work as expected. Or if you find you have access to something you shouldn't. Thank you.
  5. I haven't had a chance to make audio previews yet so if you buy, you're buying sight unseen. Or hearing unheard?
  6. these should be songs that have no co-writers or other performers.

I really appreciate it when you alert me to stuff that shouldn't in a given bundle or shouldn't released at all. Also, please let me know if there's anything I wouldn't want public in all the voice notes. I never thought i would be releasing those. I don't know what's in them. Thank you.

For any demo:

  1. It might have silence.
  2. It might be wildly inappropriate.
  3. It might have super low sound quality.
  4. It might just be me rambling, talking, making sounds.
  5. It may have already been shared or leaked.
  6. It might be just a drum beat. it might not have vocals.
  7. It might be a duplicate of another demo.
  8. It might be an inferior version of another demo.
  9. the information provided, such as year and description, might be incorrect.
  10. Also, over time, the contents of each bundle in the market might change.
  11. Or the metadata for a file might change.
  12. The price may change.

(In other words, you may prefer the current version in the market to the version you bought.)

On the bright side, I realized I can add files to the dropbox folders after they've gone on sale. That means you can re-download the bundle, or the specific files, and get additional content as I discover it. Very cool.

What does everyone think of the 'gift' idea? That is, you could check a box to have me send the bundle to a friend of yours on a specific date (like a birthday, anniversary, or Christmas). I would include personalized messages from me and from you. Is this awesome or do you think not really many people would use it? I'm always looking for unusual gift ideas, especially around the holidays, but often my interests are out of sync with the masses. I'd have to prevent one receiver from getting multiple orders of the same bundle from different givers. I guess there would be Privacy concerns with you giving me someone's email address who hasn't even registered for this site.

By the way, This market is my final project for a course I'm taking in web programming.

Further Reading:

( Last edited by Rivers at 2020-11-25 14:52 PM utc )

Scott & Rivers

A music duo featuring myself and Scott Murphy (Allister, Monoeyes). We’ve released two albums in Japanese.

I’m hopeful that ニマイメ (Nimaime, "The Second One") will be released internationally soon.

Somebody at Weezer's record company introduced us after I told them that I was looking for a Japanese speaking gaijin collaborator.

We performed our song 夏は来ぬ (Summer Has Come) in an ad for Japanese clothing company Uniqlo.

Here’s a few pics of Scott and I.


Listen to Scott & Rivers on Spotify

( Last edited by Tiffany at 2020-11-25 17:26 PM utc )

Solo album

I'd like to do a Barry Manilow type solo album. Crushing emotional ballads with and orchestra. Maybe that'll be the next next next next next next next album in 8 years or so.

I haven't brought it up to my manager.

( Last edited by elchuby at 2020-11-25 16:39 PM utc )