Riverpedia archive - 12/03/2020

From Weezerpedia


The DAW I've used since 2010. I love how easy it is to change keys and tempos. I change keys and tempos a lot when I'm writing.

On December 2, 2020, I brought up Ableton in chat:


Schlagenheim, I thought of a funny solution for the audiophiles.


Rivers, go on?


I could put my ableton sets in the bundles. Then you'd have all the individual wav files and you could mix them however you want.

Render them at the highest quality.

( Last edited by TragicGurl at December 3, 2020 10:07 AM )

BEST OF bundle

Alright, first iteration. geewiz top PLUS the remaining King Tom 5 stars. Easy to swap in and out as desired. Let the convo continue. I came around to duplicating files in the BEST OF. However, the BEST OF files are now orphaned files. That is they aren't included in any of the tagging updates.

The purpose of the bundle is twofold:

1) So 'casual' fans have an easy place to start digging into the catalog without getting overwhelmed. 2) So you have a easier-to-like bundle to send to your less-hardcore friends without overwhelming them.


Here's a potentially controversial suggestion: To populate the BEST OF bundle, we remove the 30 files from the other 9 bundles so there is no duplication of files across bundles. I like this because I don't want anyone to have to buy some duplicates if I they to go deeper. I like each bundle to feel completely unique. Also, right now my scripts rely on each filename being unique. It would require re-thinking and re-writing to accommodate identical music files with different filenames. Not impossible but it doesn't like a fun project. To take care of the people who already purchased most of the 30 BEST OF files in their other bundle purchases, I would simply give them the new BEST OF bundle for free. It could work like this: anyone who's already purchased more than 3 bundles will get the BEST OF bundle for free. (Going forward though, you wouldn't get the BEST OF free with the purchase of more than 3 other bundles).

The BEST OF bundle would be $9. That makes it the most expensive bundle in terms of cost per song (30 cents per song compared with EWBAITE's 1 cent per song.) But that still seems like a low price. And these are the 'best' demos with the broadest appeal. No lo-fi voice notes of me talking to myself.

how much demand is there for a best of?

Fine to disagree with any of this.


It feels like some people want go the duplicate file route, so that when they purchase a 'Pre-Weezer', they're certain they're getting all the pre-weezer material. Also, people are suggesting other smaller bundles, like 'Ecce Homo' and 'Deliverance At Hand'.

Would this help at all: grouping demos into folders within a bundle, for example, within the EWBAITE bundle we could have 'Top 10 of EWBAITE' and 'Ecce Homo'. In the Red bundle we could have 'Deliverance At Hand' among others. Still no duplication of files. And you wouldn't be able to purchase those subfolders individually. But would that reduce the overwhelm for casual fans?

( Last edited by Rivers at December 3, 2020 5:38 PM )

Dustin Addis

Weezer's day to day manager at Crush since 2015. Also Fall Out Boy's. Cool guy. He's starting to join me for golf. From Chicago.

Further Reading:

( Last edited by Olivia at December 3, 2020 4:48 AM )

Elliott Smith

I'm really starting to dig some of his songs.

My 90's "girlfriend", Jennifer Chiba, was his girlfriend at the time of his death. She left me a distraught voice message, but I was in one of my first meditation courses.

Further Reading:
Jennifer Chiba

( Last edited by Olivia at December 3, 2020 4:52 AM )

EWBAITE Booklet Extras

The booklet for Everything Will Be Alright In The End had extra lyrics that were unused in the album's songs.

Learn how to make drinks
Eat with proper table manners
I will sit with my back straight
Properness in the littlest things

I realize that the monster in the end dies too. It's okay
Even the monster will die.

There were also lines with quotes near the character/theme pages, but those weren't lyrics. They serve to develop the theme.

Panopticon Artist:

"You're a genius, man. These songs are incredible."

I'm a loser after all

"I don't need him. He had nothing to do with our success"

Bella Donna:

"I can show you how it's really done."

"She came with me to my room
She wanted to be with me
And when she left to go home
You tried to take her
You tried to take her from me"


"I know I'm the better man.
I hope I'm the better man."

"I can hear you crying downstairs.
Shut the f* up.
Don't try to manipulate me."

( Last edited by TragicGurl at December 3, 2020 8:21 AM )

Jennifer Chiba

My "girlfriend" in the 90's

( Last edited by Olivia at December 3, 2020 4:53 AM )


I went through a knitting phase. Never finished the blanket I was knitting. It was fun. I went to that place Simpatico on Wilshire. Looks like it's closed now.

( Last edited by Tiffany at December 3, 2020 6:00 PM )


A style of karate. I studied it when I was in my early twenties. I think I reached Blue belt or Blue with a yellow stripe.

It's pretty hardcore.

( Last edited by Olivia at December 3, 2020 4:51 AM )


I took German from 7th through 10th grade. My dad moved to Germany when I was a child.

2 years of Spanish in college. If you asked me how well I speak Spanish, I'd say "muy bueno."

I've done a lot of independent study in Japanese, (and my wife and kids speak Japanese,) so I'm pretty good at that. I have a couple of albums in Japanese with my Scott & Rivers project. I also have a Japanese Twitter account, @RiversCuomoJPN.

Between my Spanish studies and my many hours of listening to Italian opera, I have a feel for Italian.

When I'm on tour in foreign countries, I do Duolingo for that country's language.

Further Reading:
Scott & Rivers
Frank Cuomo

( Last edited by Tiffany at December 3, 2020 2:22 PM )



I think I recovered all the bundle connections from my email sent items. If anyone's still missing a bundle in the account page, PLEASE EMAIL* lisa@riverscuomo.com*.

Today I learned that you have no way of reporting emergencies to me when I've stepped away from my computer. We'll have to think about that.

  1. Please tell me if anything looks wrong or if I've made a mistake.
  2. We're live. This is real money. And I can't guarantee that the purchase work. Or that you will care about the demos. At this point, only purchase if you want to help me test the app.
  3. Once purchased, please don't share. Everyone else will have a chance to buy once I'm sure it's working. If you have a close friend, who really can't afford it, and they really want the music, sure, go ahead and share. But don't post for the general public.
  4. And please let me know if it doesn't work as expected. Or if you find you have access to something you shouldn't. Thank you.
  5. I haven't had a chance to make audio previews yet so if you buy, you're buying sight unseen. Or hearing unheard?
  6. these should be songs that have no co-writers or other performers.

I really appreciate it when you alert me to stuff that shouldn't in a given bundle or shouldn't released at all. Also, please let me know if there's anything I wouldn't want public in all the voice notes. I never thought i would be releasing those. I don't know what's in them. Thank you.

For any demo:

  1. It might have silence.
  2. It might be wildly inappropriate.
  3. It might have super low sound quality.
  4. It might just be me rambling, talking, making sounds.
  5. It may have already been shared or leaked.
  6. It might be just a drum beat. it might not have vocals.
  7. It might be a duplicate of another demo.
  8. It might be an inferior version of another demo.
  9. the information provided, such as year and description, might be incorrect.
  10. Also, over time, the contents of each bundle in the market might change.
  11. Or the metadata for a file might change.
  12. The price may change.

(In other words, you may prefer the current version in the market to the version you bought.)

On the bright side, I realized I can add files to the dropbox folders after they've gone on sale. That means you can re-download the bundle, or the specific files, and get additional content as I discover it. Very cool.

What does everyone think of the 'gift' idea? That is, you could check a box to have me send the bundle to a friend of yours on a specific date (like a birthday, anniversary, or Christmas). I would include personalized messages from me and from you. Is this awesome or do you think not really many people would use it? I'm always looking for unusual gift ideas, especially around the holidays, but often my interests are out of sync with the masses. I'd have to prevent one receiver from getting multiple orders of the same bundle from different givers. I guess there would be Privacy concerns with you giving me someone's email address who hasn't even registered for this site.

By the way, This market is my final project for a course I'm taking in web programming.

Just got some good news: "Rivers sale of audio files falls under sale tax exempt category and does not need to pay sales taxes. Please confirm Rivers is only selling audio files over drop box. Once he starts selling other items that are tangible goods, he would need to pay sales tax."

Further Reading:

( Last edited by Rivers at December 3, 2020 8:04 PM )


Most of the messages posted under the name "Rivers" are not actually from me. Most are pulled from databases of movie scripts. They are just for your entertainment and not to be taken seriously. I've done my best to ensure all the 'Rivers' posts are neighborly but occasionally something inappropriate sneaks through.

Here's an example of much more experienced programmers running into trouble with their bot becoming offensive.

Please keep all your communications here neighborly.

I made a video presenting the first published version.

Dilavni pointed out a bug which allows any user to post riverchats under any name. Neither of us know how to fix it. I don't think it will affect any other page within the site.

UPDATE: I think I fixed the Dilavni bug.

UNRELATED NOTE: Private coaching channels no longer work. I think they were making the chat super laggy. If I figure out a better way to design them, I'll let you know.

I could probably migrate whatever info I want to keep from this entry into the Mr. Rivers Neighborhood entry, and delete this one.

( Last edited by TragicGurl at December 3, 2020 7:10 AM )

Scott & Rivers

A music duo featuring myself and Scott Murphy (Allister, Monoeyes). We’ve released two albums in Japanese.

I’m hopeful that ニマイメ (Nimaime, "The Second One") will be released internationally soon.

Somebody at Weezer's record company introduced us after I told them that I was looking for a Japanese speaking gaijin collaborator.

We performed our song 夏は来ぬ (Summer Has Come) in an ad for Japanese clothing company Uniqlo.

Here’s a few pics of Scott and I.


See more Scott & Rivers at Douglas Park

Listen to Scott & Rivers on Spotify

( Last edited by Tiffany at December 3, 2020 2:28 PM )

Scuba Diving

Got my scuba certification in 2017.

( Last edited by Olivia at December 3, 2020 4:53 AM )

Steven Pressfield

An author, and one of my big influences on Ecce Homo. I read his books The War of Art, Do the Work. I also recommended them to Scott.

( Last edited by Rivers at December 3, 2020 8:02 PM )

Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori

My favorite White album song. Bridge was originally part of Rest In Peace as that song's verse. I gave an in-depth explanation of this song's composition on the podcast Song Exploder, Episode 70, in April of 2016. It's very cut and paste so I couldn't say it's about a particular person.

listen to Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori on Spotify

( Last edited by TragicGurl at December 3, 2020 7:48 AM )

Tower 28

Lifeguard tower on Santa Monica beach. Reference to it in LA Girlz. Appears in the California Kids video.

google maps view here

( Last edited by TragicGurl at December 3, 2020 9:40 AM )