Riverpedia archive - 12/06/2020

From Weezerpedia


Welcome Committee Olivia, sarahdanielle, Welcome new chatters and help them. Set a neighborly example.
Artist Tiffany, TragicGurl, Create visuals like the homepage and logo.
Curator King Tom, geewiz, Curate bundles. Rate songs. Edit SONG LIST.
Camp Counselor geewiz, Tiffany, Olivia Coordinates the efforts of the residents who wish to work. Go-between between them and Coach. Edit to-do list.
Eagle Ears Schlagenheim, geewiz, Identify demos that should be moved from bundle to bundle or removed altogether.
Librarian Olivia, Tiffany, TragicGurl, TragicGurl, Keep track of Rivers related stories. Create new articles. Correct errors. Maintain consistent formatting across the library. Create articles without approval. Approve, revert, and delete articles. Delete bad tags at /tags.
Archivist geewiz, Tiffany, brokenbeatendown, Maintains the Song List spreadsheet. Adds tag information. Edit the Song List spreadsheet.
Customer Service lisa, Handles email coming into riverscuomo.com, especially problems with bundle orders. Has a riverscuomo.com email address. And has access to my email.
HTML/CSS Expert M3D, sarahdanielle, Helps other neighbors decorate their homes.
Creative Director Evangeline,
Poet cephEid, Has a way with words. Squiggles
Mayor Rivers, Serves the people. Oversees the neighborhood's main departments, including the police, fire, education, housing and transportation departments.
Coach Rivers, Assist neighbors in developing to their full potential. He is responsible for training neighbors by analyzing their performances, instructing in relevant skills and by providing encouragement. But he is also responsible for the guidance of the neighbor in life.
Marketing Director Tiffany, nikki, Make memes.

( Last edited by Rivers at December 6, 2020 12:41 AM )