Riverpedia archive - 12/07/2020
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Mr. Rivers' Neighborhood
Programming this website has been unbelievably fun for me, since day 1. That being said, I want to limit my time working here to 4-6 hours a day, so I still have time to work on new music. That means I can't add new features as quickly as I'd like.
Thanks to all the HTML/CSS heroes who are helping with everyone's account pages. The pages are beautiful and interesting.
Here is my to-do list. Feel free to add to it.
There are some common features I don't plan to implement, such as likes, followers, visit counters, private messages, and friends.
Also, there's a great song on ok human about the destructiveness of number watching. (It's called 'Numbers') It will probably clarify my emotions about this issue.
Further info:
The Social Dilemma
Humane Tech
this is all debatable by the way.
( Last edited by Tiffany at December 7, 2020 3:42 PM )
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