Riverpedia archive - 12/14/2020

From Weezerpedia

Cuomo Cuotes

"Sometimes I get fascinated by things I don't like. And then start using them. And then I almost kind of like them. It happens with music all the time period"

"The first days of chatting here are pretty frustrating. Or so I've heard. It's a rite of passage."

"I haven't cut my hair since this all started. I'm giving Brian a run for his money."

"I think I meant that the lyrics just came off the top of my head or the bottom of my head, I don't know. I didn't set off to say anything in particular. It's crazy that sometimes songs can end up having a specific meaning that way." [In reference 'My Brain is Working Overtime']

"The stereotype of a record label is about as accurate as the stereotype of a rock star, which is to say not at all."

"Rivers delivers. That's what Michael Enzinger said."

"marriage is good."

"I am a 'white belt' at sleeping."

"One trick I like for writing melodies is to try and write a bad melody. I guess that could be applied to any creative pursuit"

"I am a perfect fig mint"

"Pigs were my favorite animal when I was a kid."

"I thought you guys were just being all internetty"

"Thank you guys. You're all very excellent people."

"We were doing a meet and greet when the album came out. a couple came up to us and said their son had been a huge weezer fan. he committed s**cide. when they heard the new album was called 'everything will be alright in the end', it was a great consolation to them. i knew then that we had made the right move in changing the title. it was a real lesson for me. choose positivity when you can. and you always can."

( Last edited by cephEid at December 14, 2020 8:44 AM )

Mixes by the People

Have you made a mix with any of the master file bundles? This is the place to show off your work.

Gravity Will Bring You Down 13-2 by William
https://dl.dropbox.com/s/tc7gfw215wkk0u6/Gravity%20Will%20Bring%20You%20Down%2013-2.mp3 YouTube mirror

Gravity 13 by energyflavor
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ut7v618c2d6hw8f/Gr13EQ.mp3 YouTube mirror

Pacific Sunset by stgrunu
https://dl.dropbox.com/s/c1qeh25z32ls2tv/pacsun%20master%20aaaaaa-stgrunu.wav YouTube mirror

( Last edited by TragicGurl at December 14, 2020 11:21 PM )