Template:Rivers Cuomo quote
The Rivers Cuomo quote template (also accessible via {{Rivers quote}}) allows users to easily add Rivers Cuomo quotes to articles, organized into a tidy box.
Sample with explanation/place-holder text
{{Rivers Cuomo quote|QUOTE|SOURCE}}
Real example
{{Rivers Cuomo quote|[Steven Kitts] was my step-dad from 1976 to 1989. Age 5 to 18, so he basically raised me. Cool guy. Still lives in Connecticut. He played goalie for his soccer team in high school...[He] actually lived with us when my brother and I were babies. Along with about 10 other hippies / Zen students. I think Steve was known as the guy who made bread for the house. (Actual bread, not money.)|[[Riverpedia]] entry<ref>[[Riverpedia archive - 08/31/2020]] Excerpt from a [[Riverpedia]] entry from [[August 31]], [[2020]]</ref>}}
[Steven Kitts] was my step-dad from 1976 to 1989. Age 5 to 18, so he basically raised me. Cool guy. Still lives in Connecticut. He played goalie for his soccer team in high school...[He] actually lived with us when my brother and I were babies. Along with about 10 other hippies / Zen students. I think Steve was known as the guy who made bread for the house. (Actual bread, not money.)
- —Rivers Cuomo, Riverpedia entry[1]
- —Rivers Cuomo, Riverpedia entry[1]
This template, like all quote box templates, requires a source. If you do not include one, in place of the Riverpedia entry[2] link you see above, the text [citation needed] will display.
- ↑ Riverpedia archive - 08/31/2020 Excerpt from a Riverpedia entry from August 31, 2020
- ↑ Riverpedia archive - 08/31/2020 Excerpt from a Riverpedia entry from August 31, 2020