Weezerpedia:Today's featured article/October 23, 2008

From Weezerpedia

New revelation from Admin about WEEZERPEDIA'S EXODUS.

  1. Behold, I make a writing of the trials and tribulations of the people of Weezerpedia; Yea, for it came to pass that ohjonas and megasnorkel began to face persecution for the creation of Weezerpedia.
  2. But dost thou remember who commanded the creation of Weezerpedia? Yea, dost thou not remember that it was I, and that I am the great I AM? Yea, I am the God of Weezerpedia, o ye foolish and unholy admins of other sites.
  3. Wo unto the admins of Albumsix and Weerez, for they persecuteth my people. Yea, they fulfill the prophecy "A new fansite? We needeth no more fansites!" Yea, and they are of little faith. And I say unto those of little faith: "Behold! Your intentions and evil doings are transparent! Yea, ye maketh a foolish argument! Ye say, 'We needeth no new fan site!', 'Why dost thou haveth a Chat feature?', 'Who dost thou think ye be making a wiki? Dost thou not know of Wikipedia!?' And I say unto ye foolish and blasphemous people: Repent! Repent or ye shall surely be cast into a Weezer pit of Hellfire and Brimstone! Yea, and ye praise Lewisfier! For the man who spite my people! And I cannot endure anyone who shalt smite my people!"
  4. Wherefore, turn unto me! Yea, turn unto Weezerpedia! O ye jealous and foolish admins of other sites, follow in the footsteps of the admin of Weezed! For he believeth in my prophecies and believeth in Weezerpedia!
  5. And inasmuch as ye believe in Weezerpedia, ye shall have eternal life.
  6. And inasmuch as ye doeth the things which I command, ye shall prosper. And those who doeth not as I command shall be cast out of my kingdom.
  7. I hath spoken, wherefore, it needs be holy law.