Historic event: 11/15/2001

From Weezerpedia

Posted on Weezer's official Facebook page as part of the "Today in Weezer History" series on November 15, 2013.

Today in Weezer History: 11/15/2001 - Second night of the Extended Midget Tour: Seattle, WA at the Key Arena, with Jimmy Eat World and Tenacious D supporting. Jimmy Eat World was just breaking big at the time so it was a great line up with their audience growing fast and crossing over with Weezer's, and Tenacious D just hitting the scene as well. Rachel Haden of that dog. was out with J.E.W. doing some backup vocals so it was a bit of a family reunion on this tour, with Weezer's history with that dog and Rachel, and Rachel's long term childhood friendship with Jack Black. A very friendly fun vibe both backstage and onstage for most of this tour. Today's crowd was insane, with "more crowd surfers than the security guys could shake a stick at" - or a "mush pit" as Jack Black called it. For some reason "Only in Dreams" was re-started. This was the second show of this tour, it started the night before in Portland, and this particular leg would continue till Dec 11th in Portland Maine.

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