Karl's Corner - 08/07/2002
08/07/02 crunch time
Keep Fishin requests...
The next 2 weeks are critical for "Keep Fishin'". Those who can should request it at their local Modern Rock radio station(station list here). The single is on the cusp of doing really well, but now its "make or break" time, and your *consistent* requests over the next 2 weeks are important! We need to send a "daily reminder" to these stations that you guys arent satisfied with their usual selection, and that only the new weezer track will do! Jordan, weezer's head man at Geffen Records and a real expert when it comes to this type of stuff told us: "the fans [need to] request keep fishin on their local mod rock stations consistently over next 2 weeks, so its not a flood of calls over a couple of days-we need to push into top of chart now or the track won't get played enough to drive sales." Woah! Now that's a taste of official business that really lays it out in black and white. Jordan really knows about these things, so we gotta give it the ol' college try! So if you can, request consistently over the next 2 weeks and try and help us put this one over the edge!
also, an Mtv reminder...[2 days left to make it! can it be done?]
Over the past few years, the subject of "getting on trl" has been divisive for weezer fans to say the least. Some are adamantly against it, some think it would be really cool to break into such exclusive territory with some good music, and others dont watch Mtv anyhow and just dont care! Now, weezer has flirted with TRL in the past with "Hash Pipe", to mixed reaction from the fans. The TRL "machine" is notoriously difficult to affect, as hoardes of fans of todays hottest boy bands, teen divas, rap stars and "cute" punks clog the vote tallys at all times.
That having been said, the band thinks its time to experiment here. The "Keep Fishin'" video popped up on the "wannabe" list last week, and there have been several fan-led attempts to vote Keep Fishin' in the top 10, which so far have failed. Well, weezer wants this week to be "THE week", and is asking all those who would cast their votes to do so all this week, Monday the 5th untill Friday the 9th. Can the fans shove the weez into the countdown, a full year after the Hash Pipe made it? That what we'd like to find out here. Thanks in advance for voting and trying to inject a little weez into the monolith of That Carson Guy.
Enlightenment Tour Day 33: Phoenix, AZ; Cricket Pavilion
Main Stage: Sparta, Dashboard Confessional, Weezer
Second Stage: Rooney, Home Town Hero, Am Radio
Well, in many other states, a hot summertime day leads to a cool evening. But Arizona collects a hell of a lot of heat over the course of a summer day, and the air remained fairly furnace-like for the whole show. Not that that was a problem, as the Arizonans know that heat = rock, and rock they did. Weezer was 'on fire' as well, with a killer setlist, bombastic performance and all kinds of interesting comments from Rivers and the gang. The Cricket Pavilion was not sold out, but was still more full than the previous San Antonio gig, and a bit louder and rowdier as well. Speaking of rowdy, tonights show saw the first stage diver at a weezer gig in a long time! Despite the professional security staff in place, somehow a lone dude slipped by, ran out in front of Scott, and dove the 12 feet over the pit back into the crowd. Well, I hope he reached Enlightenment. Kids, dont try this, its no fun to miss the rest of the show when you get the boot!
"Weezer World Cup" Foosball Challenge #12: Phoenix- The Edge 103. KEDJ
Foosball Challenge #12! Today before the show there was another fan vs. weez foosball challenge. In many cities on the Enlightenment Tour, the local radio station will be choosing winning fans who get to come backstage before the show and challenge the band to a mini-foosball tournament! [your local radio station should be talking about the contest, if theyre not, then its not likely to be happening in your area]. There are usually 6 winners per show, and they divide up into 3 teams who face off vs weezer for one game each. Today there were 2 teams of winners.
Todays match results:
Round 1: Team Weezer (Cuomo/Wilson) V. We Had A Chance (Ginnee Phillips and Matt Cortez) : Winner: Team Weezer. Score: 10-1. [We Had A Chance's chance came midway thru the game, but their lone goal, beautuful as it was, simply wasnt enough.]
Round 2: Team Weezer (Cuomo/Wilson) V. SME All Stars (Dwayne Sanders and Derek Sanders) : Winner: Team Weezer. Score: 10-3.[The SME All Stars worked fast to pick up the needed skills to defend agains the weez assault. Late in the game their work paid off, with 2 goals in a row right from face offs!]
...pic #30, L to R: max, prepstar[?], elwerzer[?], elpinchescorcho, Rivers, Hilto. not pictured[?]: KellyKapowskiLovesMe[?]...
...the first batch of Phoenix fans' show tales that came in...
- "...Just got back from the show! It rocked! Rivers was MUCH more talkative than usual. He talked through the whole thing. I'm pretty damn sure he was cooked. He said some crazy stuff like "Brothers and sisters, we are gathered here today to celebrate the Weez!" I laughed my ass off when he said "You wanna rock? Well here comes a spankin'!" and they went right into Across the Sea. Heh, then the stage was lit with red and they went into a hard rock/metal drive and he began to speak: "I want to hug you. I want to give you all a big hug. I want to kiss you on the cheek. But now we must descend into darkness. Into the pits of hell.......where no man returns from. You know what I'm talkin' about.[pause] Actually, you probably have no clue what I'm talking about!" and they went into Buddy Holly. Also I thought it was pretty funny that he kept saying little self-aggrandizing phrases like "Three cheers for Weezer!" or "We rock!" or "We kick butt!" Yeah, no doubt about it he was cooked pretty bad. It was funny as all hell though. They played all the songs flawlessly, the crowd cheered at the reprise of Pinkerton tunes, and screamed gleefullly at all of the solos. At the end, I dunno if Scott had a problem with a pedal or what but he kept coming back and adjusting it and there were all of these crazy space effects and stuff echoing from feedback. Crazy stuff. This show rocked much much harder than the last one I was at. Good times!" ---Grant (Buckethead)
- "...Tonight was the best night of my life. This was my first Weezer concert and probably the best concert I've ever been to. Rooney, Home Town Hero, and AM Radio rocked the side stage. I especially liked the lead singer of AM Radio joining in with the band at the end of "eighteen". The side stage was where it was at. Also it was cool that Scott was just walking around checking out the side stage bands. He walked right past me. Then it was time for the weez. "Hello brothers and sisters" Rivers starts out. I also liked Rivers breaking out with the Pinkerton songs. That was awesome. "Buddy Holly" was probably the best. The pyro was amazing. The finger background of =w= was a very nice touch. All in all this was an ammmmmmaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzziiiiiiiinnnnnngggggg concert. Thanks guys and come back soon!!!" ---~Brian~
- "...tonights show in Phoenix was Amazing, greatest show ever!!! Greatest set list ever! Across the Sea, pink triangle, all the pinkerton favorites, not to mention the awsomest versions of buddy holly, and keep fishin. Great show guys!" ---Jesse M
- "...Having seen Weezer for the sixth time tonight I think I am able to make some judgments about the show. This was a great show put on by the weez. The thing that struck me most about tonight's performance was that Rivers was much more talkative than any previous performance I have seen. He was making more comments and interacting with the crowd more than I have seen him before. It was very cool. All the guys seemed to be having fun. They played as well as ever but seemed relaxed and enjoying themselves. Another great show put on by the guys with plenty of old tunes from Pinkerton and the Blue album." ---Nick S. Tempe AZ
- "...hey karl. i have returned from the Weezer/Dashboard/ Sparta show in Phoenix tonight. man was it great. I was disappointed i didn't get to see special goodness, but dashboard made up for it. damn screaming infidelities. but whatever. it was great when weezer came out and played more pinkerton songs than green. el scorcho was well worth the wait. the little light show with the techno type music that sounded like all the disney rides breaking down at once was odd, and disappointing when there was no weez after it all. still, better than the last time, and thats pretty hard. thanks a lot, and keep rockin the pinkerton." ---kyle & anthony chandler,az
- "...Weezer concerts are always so awesome that it seems like the sets aren't long enough. I wasn't very familiar with Sparta and Dashboard Confessional, and so their sets seemed to drag a little. But then Weezer came on, and that was what I had been waiting for the entire night. They always play well, but the playlist this time included songs from all the albums (especially the previously under-played Pinkerton), plus Rivers talked and interacted more with the audience than I ever remember, and that made the concert excellent. I'm told that the current ringing in my ears mean permanent hearing loss sooner or later. I think I'm willing to risk that to go to Weezer concerts." ---Shirley Chai
- "...Hey Karl. I, attended the weezer concert tonight. I can truthfully say this: Weezer has everything down. Phoenix newspapers constantly reported it was a pop concert. Boy, they were wrong! Across the Sea was truly amazing. And just when all the energy failed, the fire comes spitting up in Dope Nose, and blasts me up and jumping again! There truly was love. I caught myself saying ooo, I love you guys so much" countless times. I just hope you guys enjoyed this show too. Brian, you were on fire tonight." ---Lauryn, and Dori (combover)
- "...I just wanted to say that the show totally rocked. It was great to hear so much pinkerton. and the set just kicked major ass. I was asked to ask if the band got the superman skivvies from KatElise. She almost passed out during Hash Pipe, but sang every word. lol and also Say it Aint so almost made her cry because it was "so ****ing great." " ---Lauren and Katie (a.k.a.) MyNameIsLoLa & KatElise
- "...the show was absolutely amazing...the weez rocked the hizouse!!!! the most amazing set ever too! the good life, el scorcho, across the sea, my name is jonas..on and on and on!!! rivers was also insanely funny tonight. he was "feeling the goodness"..and he fed us "sugary sweet treats" or something along those lines..heheh.. sparta was also incredible..it was sad to see such an awesome band just get an ok reception..but i guess everyone was there to enjoy the big =w=. well my friend take it easy..and thanks for representing..." --ty hale. scottsdale,az
- "...I just got back from the concert tonight, it was so awesome. I saw the first concert in Salt lake and this one was every bit as good if not better, all the other bands were great too, especially dashboard. I got stuck in a kinda unenthusiastic section but we still were rockin! catcha later," ---Mike