Riverpedia archive - 12/13/2020

From Weezerpedia

Cuomo Cuotes

"Sometimes I get fascinated by things I don't like. And then start using them. And then I almost kind of like them. It happens with music all the time period"

"The first days of chatting here are pretty frustrating. Or so I've heard. It's a rite of passage."

"I haven't cut my hair since this all started. I'm giving Brian a run for his money."

"I think I meant that the lyrics just came off the top of my head or the bottom of my head, I don't know. I didn't set off to say anything in particular. It's crazy that sometimes songs can end up having a specific meaning that way." [In reference 'My Brain is Working Overtime']

"The stereotype of a record label is about as accurate as the stereotype of a rock star, which is to say not at all."

"Rivers delivers. That's what Michael Enzinger said."

"marriage is good."

"I am a 'white belt' at sleeping."

"One trick I like for writing melodies is to try and write a bad melody. I guess that could be applied to any creative pursuit"

"I am a perfect fig mint"

"Pigs were my favorite animal when I was a kid."

"I thought you guys were just being all internetty"

"Thank you guys. You're all very excellent people."

( Last edited by TragicGurl at December 13, 2020 3:39 PM )

Cuomo Quotes

"Sometimes I get fascinated by things I don't like. And then start using them. And then I almost kind of like them. It happens with music all the time period"

"The first days of chatting here are pretty frustrating. Or so I've heard. It's a rite of passage."

"I haven't cut my hair since this all started. I'm giving Brian a run for his money."

"I think I meant that the lyrics just came off the top of my head or the bottom of my head, I don't know. I didn't set off to say anything in particular. It's crazy that sometimes songs can end up having a specific meaning that way." [In reference 'My Brain is Working Overtime']

"The stereotype of a record label is about as accurate as the stereotype of a rock star, which is to say not at all."

"Rivers delivers. That's what Michael Enzinger said."

"marriage is good."

"I am a 'white belt' at sleeping."

"One trick I like for writing melodies is to try and write a bad melody. I guess that could be applied to any creative pursuit"

"I am a perfect fig mint"

"Pigs were my favorite animal when I was a kid."

"I thought you guys were just being all internetty"

"Thank you guys. You're all very excellent people."

"We were doing a meet and greet when the album came out. a couple came up to us and said their son had been a huge weezer fan. he committed s**cide. when they heard the new album was called 'everything will be alright in the end', it was a great consolation to them. i knew then that we had made the right move in changing the title. it was a real lesson for me. choose positivity when you can. and you always can."

( Last edited by cephEid at December 13, 2020 11:04 PM )


“Do y’all ever catch on to something and know IMMEDIATELY, 'yup. This is EXACTLY how I’ll be wasting my time for the foreseeable future' ?”

Welcome to Mr. Rivers' Neighborhood. Thanks for joining the fun. Since you may have some questions about how the app works, here are some FAQ, tips and chat etiquette to help you get started:

Yes, that really is me. I created this app as an assignment for my CS50w course. I’m continually updating the code to add and adjust features. Chaos often ensues.

The chat is a chill conversation with lots of interesting people. Everyone is welcome to jump in at any time.

Remember, this isn't a Q&A. I’m a participant in the conversation, not the subject of it. Please don’t bombard me with questions or requests. Over time, we'll be sure to get to know each other.

The app will reset daily, often more than once. This will cause all comments to disappear, and the automated welcome message will appear at the top of each channel.

New users will be limited to commenting in the “welcome” channel for a period of time, usually 2-3 days.

It’s easier for me to read messages when they end in punctuation. Messages that do not end in punctuation will result in a pop-up reminder for you to edit your message.

I like it when the chat is calm. Messages that include profanity or exclamation points will result in a pop-up reminder for you to edit your message.

I prefer it when you use words to describe your thoughts and feelings. Messages that include emojis will result in a pop-up reminder for you to edit your message with words. Most web acronyms and abbreviations will not populate when your message posts in the chat, but they will not trigger a pop-up reminder.

Anonymous browsing is permitted, but you must be a registered user and logged in to comment. If you’re not able to see the comment box at the bottom of each channel, you are not logged in.

The app supports multiple languages and alphabets. Use of other languages is permitted. I myself will occasionally post in other languages. We are an international group which is reflected in our neighborhood. Please be neighborly if others choose to use alternate languages.

Clicking on a user’s name will tag them in a response.

Double-clicking on a user's name will take you to their profile page.

If you’re having trouble logging in or posting comments, don’t assume you’ve been blocked or banned. Sorry, I suck and sometimes I mess up the code. Have someone tag me in the chat and I’ll do my best to fix it.

Creating and Navigating Channels

To create a channel, type the name of the channel in the text box labeled “create a new channel.”

Only the most recent 150 messages in a channel are displayed.

Channels will disappear if inactive after four hours.

Navigating to a channel will automatically take you to the most recent message in that channel.

A blue box will appear on a channel’s tab when a new chat is posted in that channel. It will turn grey when all chats in a channel have been viewed.

Sometimes more channels will exist than appear on screen. Navigating to these channels differs by type of device.

On mobile: swipe horizontally on the channels bar (a scrollbar will appear once you swipe).

On desktop: click a channel, then use the arrows on your keyboard to navigate.

Navigating the Library/Riverpedia articles

By default, articles are listed with most recently edited entries at the top.

To sort entries alphabetically, you can tap on "Title". Similarly, you can sort by "Tags" the same way.

To filter by tags: Click on the "Clear All" button first, then select the tags you would like to filter by.

Full Google doc with updates here.

( Last edited by Olivia at December 13, 2020 11:46 AM )


A style of karate. I studied it when I was in my early twenties because of Takashi, somebody I met in LACC in typing class, and he roped me into taking karate with him. I took it for a year and a half. I think I reached Blue belt, or Blue with a yellow stripe; which is advanced enough that you would think you could fight, but not advanced enough that you could avoid getting your a** kicked.

It's pretty hardcore.

Takashi is now a sensei with his own dojo in West Los Angeles.

( Last edited by sosobrazilian at December 13, 2020 2:53 PM )

Profile Pages

You can now customize your own profile pages using html/css. On your profile page, you will see an "edit" button; in that text box (the default of which says "I am a gentle nerd") is where you input the html/css.

User M3D has a link to a profile builder (this might not work for everyone) on his profile page, and has additionally made a github page with some basic codes to help you format your page if you prefer to DIY. User sarahdanielle also has a handy guide for some coding tips as well. User vixen has some tips n' tricks for profile customization if you like to get creative. Basic color codes can be found here.

If you are not good with HTML, but can format a rich text box, you can use a website like this to create the HTML for you. Edit the demo text and the HTML equivalent will appear in the far right box.

User gracz has some more advanced functions. Ask him to help if you have an idea you’d like to implement.

Thank you to all of you for sharing your knowledge in such a neighborly way.

( Last edited by vixen at December 13, 2020 6:30 PM )

Songs by users of riverscuomo.com


Amber Sage (vixen) - All I Wanted

BenevolentDonut - Colette

bluto - Ugly & Beautiful

Dan (bleed) - Joan of Arc (Demo)

Daniel Gasparini - Shake It Out

jbloss1233 - China Dolls

justinho - Abigail Foster's Photosynthesis Machine Discography

M3D - I Don't Know Your Name (Demo)

Marjolaine - Sarah and Thea

omelettetdq3z - Fern

ourruseoffools - Oil's Dry

Ryan Velvet - Genevieve, la Vie!

souptheman - I Believe

Sugarcubes - 10101 (Will the Starship)

Sugarcubes - I'm Going to Die Tonight

Technicolor Riots (mike) - Basic/Caustic

( Last edited by Marjolaine at December 13, 2020 11:05 AM )

Temescal Canyon

One of our favorite hikes.

( Last edited by Olivia at December 13, 2020 11:50 AM )

The Rules of Life

Song that was written for Ecce Homo and considered for Everything Will Be Alright In The End. It was based on a piano sketch from the Red/Raditude/Hurley era.

The song went through over 50 versions and ultimately was never released on a Weezer album.

The lyrics were originally involving the character, Sebastien, in Ecce Homo but the lyrics changed over time.

( Last edited by brokenbeatendown at December 13, 2020 8:53 PM )