Weezer concert: 09/30/1992

From Weezerpedia
Weezer concert: 09/30/1992
Venue Genghis Cohen
Location Los Angeles, CA
Date September 30, 1992
Bootleg Recorded by Karl Koch, not circulating
Weezer live show chronology
09/28/1992 - Los Angeles, CA
Coconut Teaszer
09/30/1992 - Los Angeles, CA 10/05/1992 - Los Angeles, CA
Club Lingerie

Weezer performed at Genghis Cohen in Los Angeles, CA on September 30, 1992.


See Historic event: 09/30/1992
...this was the 25th weezer show, and the 5th of weezer's early acoustic sets. Genghis Cohen was and is still located on Fairfax in West Hollywood. Its basically a restaurant with a tiny stage off in a corner, where acoustic acts serenade the patrons while they eat...

This show was 'bootlegged' ... [using] a cheap handheld voice recorder to capture the show.

There are no known flyers and no photos from this show.

- Karl Koch


See also
