Riverpedia archive - 08/19/2021
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Songs by users of riverscuomo.com
To have your music files added to the “By The People” playlist on the music player, email lisa@riverscuomo.com. She will share a google drive folder to which you can upload your files.
Put all files loosely into your folder (not in any subfolders.)
If you want a specific artist name (different from the foldername) make sure to include that in the metadata of your file. If you want a specific album name (different from the foldername) make sure to include that in the metadata of your file.
If you want your songs to link back to your profile page, make sure you name your folder with the exact same name as your username. (Case-sensitive. Don't put any other characters like an underbar _).
Here are some tools for adding metadata to music files: https://www.online-tech-tips.com/free-software-downloads/mp3-metadata/
Note: if you change the name of a file or the folder it's in, you'll lose all the data associated with the first copy (such as ratings and comments).
( Last edited by Rivers at 2021-08-19T11:38:25Z)
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