Weezerpedia:Known recordings

From Weezerpedia

The Known recordings table is a standard for listing different recordings (and variations of recordings) of a song that are known to exist.

For readers

How to read

The "Known recordings" table lists recordings of a song that are known to exist. Typically, a single recording of a song will only have one respective row, but variants of a recording (e.g. alternate mixes of a song) will also have their own row. Live bootlegs are typically excluded from this table, except in certain circumstances (i.e. recordings released as part of the Official Bootleg series, MP3s distributed on weezer.com, and bootlegs of sufficient historical import).

  • Rows that are colored green indicate that a recording of a song exists in fan circulation. This can mean that the song was officially released, was freely distributed by members of Weezer, or was leaked through some unscrupulous means.
  • Rows that are colored red indicate that a recording is known to exist but is not currently in circulation. This can include recordings such as those documented in the Weezer Recording History, or filenames that appeared as dummy data on the demo storefront on riverscuomo.com in 2020 (prior to the storefronts launch).
  • Rows that are colored yellow indicate recordings that are incomplete (e.g. partial, secondhand recordings).
  • Though recordings that appear on multiple releases usually receive only one row apiece, rows colored gray are used to indicate that a demo recording sold by Rivers Cuomo on his website or through the Weezify application is a duplicate (or truncated duplicate) of another MP3 (on the same or on a different bundle).
  • Rows in white indicate an ambiguity about a recording's release status, such as in cases where it is not possible to determine if a circulating recording is the same as one documented elsewhere (such as the Recording History).
  • The Performer(s) column lists the performing musician or musicians. For the sake of simplicity, bands will substitute individual performers (i.e. "Weezer" instead of "Rivers Cuomo, Brian Bell, Scott Shriner, Pat Wilson"). If a song was performed solo, the individual performer is listed instead. In cases where some members of a band are present (and or featuring stand-in musicians), they may be listed individually.
  • The Title column lists the title of the song. This should reflect the actual title of the song as documented, and is distinct from information such as MP3 metadata.
  • The Filename column is reserved for recordings released digitally, such as MP3 demos distributed on weezer.com, or demos sold on the riverscuomo.com storefront/Weezify app.
  • The Date of recording column indicates the date the song was recorded (or last known to have been modified, in the case of certain demos) with as much specificity as possible. This date can also be accompanied by a citation when applicable.
  • The Recording location column indicates where the song was recorded (if that information is knowable). In cases of live performances, this location can be a hyperlink to that concert's respective article page. Certain demos may also link to a page (e.g. a subsection of the "Maladroit demos" article).
  • The Length column indicates the length of the recording (mm:ss or h:mm:ss formatting). In the case of non-digital sources (such as vinyl-exclusive songs), this value is approximated.
  • The Appeared on column indicates the means by which the recording was distributed—usually the album on which it appears—but can also list certain other circumstances (i.e. "Released on weezer.com" or "Leaked online").
  • The Notes column contains additional info of note, including (but not limited to) disambiguating information or recording information.

For wiki editors


A standard Known recordings table is composed of three templates: a {{Known recordings header}} template, one or more {{Known recordings entry}} templates, and a {{Known recordings footer}} template (in that order).


Performer(s) Title Filename Date of recording Recording location Length Appeared on Notes
Weezer Cygnus X-1 WEEZER-2001-11-14-GlennSound-Cygnus_X1_346.mp3 November 14, 2001 Glenn Sound, Seattle, WA 1:38 Released on weezer.com Recorded for 107.7 The End but never broadcast.
more info

Markup code

{{Known recordings header}}
{{Known recordings entry|aaffaa|[[Weezer]]|Cygnus X-1|WEEZER-2001-11-14-GlennSound-Cygnus_X1_346.mp3|[[November 14]], [[2001]]|[[Glenn Sound demos|Glenn Sound, Seattle, WA]]|1:38|Released on [[weezer.com]]|Recorded for 107.7 The End but never broadcast.}}
{{Known recordings footer}}



The first variable in the Known recordings entry template determines the hexadecimal color of the row. The color of each row indicates whether or not a particular recording is known to exist in fan circulation. Rows for recordings in circulation should utilize a green background (aaffaa), songs that are known to exist but are not in circulation should utilize a red background (ffaaaa), and songs that exist as partial recordings (for example, secondhand recordings) should utilize a yellow background (ffffaa). Recordings that are duplicates of other tracks should utilize a gray background (cccccc). Recordings for which the release status cannot be determined should feature no background (leave the field blank).


The performer or performers on a recording, either individual performers or bands. If the entities do not comprise a band (e.g. Weezer), individual performers should be listed. Each individual entity should be enclosed [[in brackets]].


The title of the iteration of the song (if known). This should be the actual title of the song; it is not meant to reflect the 'Title' field of a file's metadata. The title should only be a hyperlink if it links to a separate article.


The filename of the recording (including extension, such as .mp3). This field is generally only applicable to demos distributed online. Filenames are automatically formatted, but should be enclosed with the <samp> </samp> tags when mentioned in the Notes field. If a filename contains multiple consecutive spaces or characters that interfere with wiki markup, utilize HTML entities (for spaces, use a non-breaking space: &nbsp;).

Date of recording

The date of recording or range of dates in which the song is known to have been recorded, with as much specificity as possible. Specific dates should be rendered as [[Month Day]], [[Year]]. Examples of degrees of specificity:

Recording location

The location of recording, if known. For residences, list the address number and street. For public spaces, list the name of the facility or venue. For locations in the United States, render as [Location], [City], [State (two-letter abbreviation)]. For non-US locations, render as [Facility], [City], [Country]. If the location is a concert location, the text in this field should link to its respective concert article.


The length of the recording. Typically formatted in minutes and seconds (m:ss or, if longer than 9:59, mm:ss). In rare instances where a recording exceeds an hour, render hours, minutes, and seconds (h:mm:ss).

Appeared on

The title of the album(s) or compilation(s) on which the recording appeared. Titles should be links to their respective articles and should be italicized, when applicable. In cases of multiple titles in the same field, list using a bulleted list (put each title on its own line beginning with an asterisk (*). This field can also list the avenue through which a recording was distributed, in cases of non-standard releases (e.g. for the Maladroit demos, field may say "Released on weezer.com." Recordings that initially appeared on a digital compilation (such as the those sold through riverscuomo.com) but were later removed should be rendered with a strikethrough (use <strike> </strike> tags).


Any additional info or clarifications that may help to delineate entries in the table. Info may include (but is not limited to): the upload date of a demo, the take number (i.e. "Take 2" in cases of multiple sequential takes), clarifications about the content of the recording (i.e. "Vocal track only" or "Same as above recording." Entries in yellow, gray, or white should always provide additional context.