Historic event: 03/17/1993

From Weezerpedia

Wolverton snowshoe adventure

...not a music event but a strange and challenging adventure involving many weez-related folks. On 3/17, Rivers, Pat Finn, Jason Cropper, Karl and John Drenning (then a roommate of karl and pat finns) drove up to the Wolverton trail head in Kings Canyon National Park, armed with camping gear and snowshoes rented from karl and finn's workplace, REI in Carson, CA. Everyone hiked upwards on 20-30 feet of hard compressed snowpack through beautiful wilderness. After about 6 hours of struggle and hiking up steep snow terrain, camp was set up on a ridge with fantastic views. Later that night Justin Fisher (now of Psoma) joined the group, following their tracks thru the snow with a small flashlight he held in his mouth, whilst x-country skiing steep uphill trails. Justin saw that everyone was freezing their asses off and suggested a (forbidden by park law) campfire. Downed tree limbs were gathered and a roaring campfire ensued, which eventually melted down into the snow, creating a 10' deep snow pit by morning.

3/18: random adventuring followed by descent into the Congress Group giant sequoia forest for a breathtaking afternoon snow hike back to the trailhead and the cars. Stop for dinner at the biker-overrun "Three Rivers Cafe" in Three Rivers, CA. (temporarily Four Rivers, ha ha.)

...L to R: Park brochure; Pat Finn, Karl and Rivers in camping mode; Finn and Rivers; the trail map showing the hike's route from the parking area, up Long Meadow, and straight up to a ridge overlooking the Congress Group...
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See also