Life Is Everywhere

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"Life Is Everywhere"
Life Is Everywhere cover
Album track by Organic Mechanic
Album Organic Mechanic (album)
Released 2001
Length 4:45
Label Amorphous Records
Status Officially released
Organic Mechanic (album) track listing
"Help Me to Feel"
"Life Is Everywhere"

"Life Is Everywhere" is the sixth track from Organic Mechanic's self-titled debut album.



border-left: 1px solid #aaa The lyrics for this song are incomplete or missing. Can you help us fill them in? If so, we encourage you to make a move!

It's so strange to watch you stealing
What others get for free
It's confusing your life with anxiety
Well life is everywhere flowing
Well life is everywhere flowing

It's a shame to think
That it's possible to hoard love
When you only get what you give up
When will you feel the love
When will you feel the love


It's so strange to watch you stealing
What others get for free
It's confusing your life with anxiety
Well life is everywhere flowing
Well life is everywhere flowing

It's a shame to think
That it's possible to hoard love
When you only get what you give up
When will you feel the love
When will you feel the love

See Also