They love their rock in Worcester! Great energy today in the outer orbit o' Boston. We rolled over to the DCU Center in Worcester, which is one of many mini-cities in central/eastern Mass that are related to Boston by geography but are basically their own self contained deal, too. But that doesnt stop throngs of fans from driving up the Mass Pike to invade and rock out to the shows that come through. Tonights crowd were hungry for action and displayed major stoke like Van Halen.
Tonight was the last Foozer show till next Saturday, as both bands have a week of 'other' coming up. So there was a need to rock hard tonight to make it last, and thats just what everyody did. C Minus did his thang on the turntables between sets. Hot Hot Heat proved once again that they are no slouches with their Brit pop-ish high energy style. Weezer battened down the hatches and delivered a devastating set. And the Foo's totally blew the doors off!
Thanks to 'Undone' acoustic volunteer Billy (from Tennessee??) who delivered!
In the house tonight: Rivers's mom (second time this tour!) and Mike Mushock from Staind.
This fan review sorta says it all...and then some... (more comments in the comment section, and leave your own)
"...Wow...the show was amazing! I'll try to recap it the best I can...first up was the opening act, the Hot Hot Heat. I had no idea what to expect from them so I was pleasently suprised by their solid performance. After the Hot Hot Heat finished I went the bathroom, and the line was huge, and after I got out, I hear the crowd cheering and I know that Weezer is coming on. Seconds later, "My Name is Jonas" starts playing, and at this point I was running back towards my seat in a desperate panic. I was able to get back in my seat just in time to hear "My name is Wepeel!!" screamed by a very energetic Rivers. From there it only got better. Perfect Situation was next, and it sounded great. The crowd joining in on the "whoa-ooo"s for the last chorus was awesome. After that, as Rivers said "Lets kick it new wave style!" and they did an awesome rendition of "Don't Let Go", which was changed a lot from the album version, and then "This is Such a Pity" Scott did a great job singing "Dope Nose", which I believe was followed by a nice cover of the Foo Fighters Big Me (I can't remember the exact order)...
...Next was the pinkerton section of the concert!! Brian did a wicked good job on vocals for "Why Bother", throwing in a lot of extra emotion. I was really suprised by how well he pulled it off. Next was "The Good Life", which I was sooo happy to hear. Rivers put so much emotion into it that it brought a few tears of happiness to my eyes. After that it was time for some "El Scorcho", with Rivers guitarless, running around the stage making all kinds of hand motions to get the crowd going, which was really cool. Rivers started bowing to Brian during the solo and then sang the begining of the last verse from the floor, which was just awesome. Rivers looked like he was having a great time throughout the concert...
...A solid "We Are All on Drugs" performance followed that, followed by(I think) "Say it Ain't So", which was not only the highlight of the concert, and probaly the best single song I have ever seen performed live in my life. Maybe I'm biased because it's my favorite song of all time, but it sounded amazing. "Surf Wax America" was great as to be expected, and "Beverly Hills" sounded good too.Oh yeah, I should have mentioned I loved River's story about the toothpaste. Then it was Pat's turn to take over the guitar and mic, and Rivers took over the drumming duties. Pat did a damn good job with "Photograph" which then turned into a cover of Blur's "Song 2", which really got the place going crazy. During the end of "Song 2", Brian and Scott joined Rivers on the drums and the 3 of them played a little outro together which was cool. And then they left, only to come back out for a kick ass encore..." ---Matt M.