Historic event: 01/07/2001

From Weezerpedia

Posted on Weezer's official Facebook page as part of the "Today in Weezer history" series on January 7, 2014.

Today in Weezer History: 1/7/2001 - On this day in 2001, recording the Green Album entered Day 11. "...Today was a long, tiring "tying up loose ends" day, before tomorrow's moving down the hall into a different, smaller studio room. The guys worked very hard all day, diligently getting a ton of minor "fixes" done, as well as trying several different approaches to fleshing out the acoustic track "Always" (including some stabs at using a Farfisa organ). Today also marked the finale of Mikey's bass guitar parts, and a slew of tedious but critical editing work..." -Karl, from Karls Corner on weezer.com

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