Historic event: 01/17/2001
Posted on Weezer's official Facebook page as part of the "Today in Weezer history" series on January 17, 2014.
Today in Weezer History: 1/17/2001 - On this day in 2001, weezer was in Los Angeles at work on the Green Album. "...recording day 21...today the weezer recordings advanced like a conquering army, temporarily taking over a second recording studio nearby. While Ric and the engineers spent the day finishing the "comping" of the lead vocals at the main studio, The band trekked a few blocks away to another venerable L.A. recording studio (this one having seen the likes of the Doors and Van Halen over the years), to do backing vocals. Also Rivers tried to re-do the Wurlitzer part on the new (still untitled song), but all 3 Wurlitzer keyboards we tried to rent had various problems that scrapped the attempt after several frustrating hours. Anyway over half of the albums back-up vocal parts were done, and to blow off steam in between takes, the in-house enclosed basketball area was utilized to good effect..." -karl, from weezer.com) Photo shows Mikey and Rivers during their vocal work. #greenalbum #ricocasek #album1album3album9 #mikeywelsh #losangeles