Historic event: 01/12/2001

From Weezerpedia

Posted on Weezer's official Facebook page as part of the "Today in Weezer history" series on January 12, 2014.

Today in Weezer History: 1/12/2001 - On this day in 2001, it was day 16 of recording the Green Album. "...the non-stop studio work continued at full speed today. First Brian finished up all his rhythm guitar parts, and then, after numerous experiments with different vocal microphones, and much strategizing and debate over how to go about doing it, Rivers finally got to cut loose on some vocal tracks, doing multiple takes on about 7 songs. At the end of the night, all were in agreement that Rivers's marathon singing session had nailed down the main vocal parts for those songs, and that everyone was ready to move on to the rest of them tomorrow..." -Karl, from weezer.com

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