Weezer concert: 08/07/2002

From Weezerpedia
Weezer concert: 08/07/2002
Tour Enlightenment Tour
Venue Cricket Pavilion
Location Phoenix, AZ
Date August 7, 2002
Associated album Maladroit
Supporting acts Main Stage: Sparta, Dashboard Confessional
Side Stage: Rooney, Home Town Hero, AM Radio
Weezer live show chronology
08/04/2002 - San Antonio, TX 08/07/2002 - Phoenix, AZ 08/09/2002 - Irvine, CA

Weezer performed at the Cricket Pavilion in Phoenix, Arizona on August 7, 2002 as part of the Enlightenment Tour. The opening acts on the main stage were Sparta and Dashboard Confessional and the opening acts on the side stage were Rooney, Home Town Hero and AM Radio.


No. Song
1 "Improv"   
2 "Undone - The Sweater Song  
3 "Don't Let Go  
4 "Across the Sea  
5 "My Name Is Jonas  
6 "Burndt Jamb  
7 "Pink Triangle  
8 "Island in the Sun  
9 "Buddy Holly  
10 "Keep Fishin'  
11 "The Good Life  
12 "Say It Ain't So  
13 "Hash Pipe  
14 "El Scorcho  
15 "Fall Together  
16 "Surf Wax America  

No. Song
17 "Glorious Day  
18 "Dope Nose  

Karl's Corner

See Karl's Corner - 08/07/2002
Well, in many other states, a hot summertime day leads to a cool evening. But Arizona collects a hell of a lot of heat over the course of a summer day, and the air remained fairly furnace-like for the whole show. Not that that was a problem, as the Arizonans know that heat rock, and rock they did. Weezer was 'on fire' as well, with a killer setlist, bombastic performance and all kinds of interesting comments from Rivers and the gang. The Cricket Pavilion was not sold out, but was still more full than the previous San Antonio gig, and a bit louder and rowdier as well. Speaking of rowdy, tonights show saw the first stage diver at a weezer gig in a long time! Despite the professional security staff in place, somehow a lone dude slipped by, ran out in front of Scott, and dove the 12 feet over the pit back into the crowd. Well, I hope he reached Enlightenment. Kids, dont try this, its no fun to miss the rest of the show when you get the boot!

- Karl Koch


See also