Weezer concert: 09/17/2005

From Weezerpedia
Weezer concert: 09/17/2005
Tour Make Believe Tour
Venue Hyundai Pavilion
Location Devore, CA
Date September 17, 2005
Associated album Make Believe
Weezer live show chronology
09/15/2005 - Dallas, TX 09/17/2005 - Devore, CA 09/21/2005 - Mexico City, Mexico

Weezer performed at the Hyundai Pavilion for the KROQ Inland Invasion festival in Devore, CA on September 17, 2005 as part of the Make Believe Tour. Other acts who played on the same stage as Weezer included Oasis and Beck.


No. Song
1 "My Name is Jonas  
2 "This is Such a Pity  
3 "Big Me(Foo Fighters cover)  
4 "Perfect Situation  
5 "In the Garage(Lead vocals: Scott)  
6 "El Scorcho  
7 "Say It Ain't So  
8 "We Are All On Drugs  
9 "Beverly Hills  
10 "Buddy Holly  
11 "Photograph(Lead vocals and guitar: Pat, drums: Rivers; instrumental jam at end)  
12 "Island in the Sun(acoustic)  
13 "Undone - The Sweater Song(Fan invited on stage to play with the band)  
14 "Hash Pipe  
15 "Surf Wax America  

Karl's Corner

See Karl's Corner - 09/17/2005
...MB '05 Tour: Day 91: Devore, CA - KROQ Inland Invasion 5

35,000 peeps in a giant SoCal hillside ampitheater...That about sums up the Inland Invasion - it's massive by any standards except perhaps certain UK festivals like Glastonbury. Also it's only one day, but it was quite a day for those attending. The lineup was switched around a little bit but ended up like this: The Bravery, Arcade Fire, Live, Garbage, Jet, Madness, 311, Beck, Weezer, Oasis, and Cake, who were originally scheduled early but opted for the late 'cool down' set instead.

Today's show counted as Scott Shriner's official 4th anniversary with weezer, as his first ever show with the band was the August 2001 Inland Invasion. At that point Scott has accepted the position on a temporary basis, as no one was sure about the status of the previous bass player Mikey at the time. But Scott took it as a trial by fire, playing his first set with weezer in front of 30,000 people who had no idea who he was! That was also the show in which one of Scott's old buddies (though we didnt know it till later) jumped on Scott's back while he was playing! The guy was pulled off and only later did we realize Scott knew the dude.

The fact that a buddy was even on stage that year shows the contrast to this year, wherein some pretty draconian 'pass-control' rules were in place, enforced mercilessly. There were many dissapointed friends and colleagues of bands who had a harder time enjoying the show than most people in the audience. But so it goes with hundreds working backstage - they draw a line somewhere, and sometimes its just too tight.

By all accounts this was a good festival show. I personally can confirm that Beck was rocking hard, though he apparently left the stage earlier than expected. Jet, Madness and 311 all sounded solid. Weezer simply did what theyve been doing for the past few months onstage, and the SoCal cognoscenti was duly impressed with a professionalism and fun level that's now become standard for the band but was not expected by the locals, who hadn't had access to weezer for a looong time till today. And it was awesome to catch up with Oasis again ("The Mighty Oasis" in Rivers's words, and I'll back that sentiment!), who have elevated the term 'geezer' into an term of endearment!

Longtime SoCal superfan Luis was front and center as always, and his persistance paid off as he got picked to help out on 'Undone' tonight. Congrats!

- Karl Koch


See also