Weezer concert: 05/17/2001

From Weezerpedia
Weezer concert: 05/17/2001
Tour Hooptie Tour
Venue Six Flags Magic Mountain
Location Valencia, CA
Date May 17, 2001
Associated album Weezer (The Green Album)
Supporting acts The Offspring
Weezer live show chronology
05/15/2001 - Los Angeles, CA 05/17/2001 - Valencia, CA 05/19/2001 - New York, NY

Weezer performed two identical sets at Six Flags Magic Mountain for the KROQ Punk Rock Prom in Valencia, California on May 17, 2001 as part of the Hooptie Tour. The concert was part of a contest held by KROQ-FM, with Simi Valley High and Fountain Valley High School ultimately winning.[1] The Offspring also performed two identical sets, as both schools saw one show each.


Karl's Corner

See Karl's Corner - 05/17/2001
...currently at the Punk Rock Prom in Valencia CA. Weezer is in its second set. Two schools won, so the line up is weezer, then offspring, then the new audience came in to replace the first one, and now weezer is on again. Mikey is wearing his best prom dress. (If you think im kidding wait till i have a chance to upload the pictures tomorrow!).

- Karl Koch


See also


  1. High School Shares Top Prize in Contest. L.A. Times. 12 May 2001. Archived on Archive.org. https://web.archive.org/web/20230628054942/https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2001-may-12-me-62658-story.html