Karl's Corner - 05/09/2002
05/09/02 before I eat up the bam bams they have to be chopped
[a fan writes]"...A teenager from Derby, Kansas, just south of Wichita, was critically injured on the night the Witchita concert. His name is Zach Brown...[he] had a huge blast at the concert. He stayed in the pit throughout your whole set ...I saw him on the way out, and he looked like he had just had the time of his life--he even said about you guys: "Intense." I told him that it was going to be a sporty night as I hopped into my own car. That was about the last thing I've said to him that he probably understood. After dropping a girl off in Andover, he lost sight of the road in the storm and flew off of a highway entrance ramp and careened into the back of a semi, ripping the top off of his car. He is now in stable condition at Wesley Medical Center--with fluid in his lungs, swelling in his brain, and most of the bones in his face broken..." ...lets wish Zach all the best in his struggle- someone, start a thread on the message board to pass along our support!
...Dusty West Tour: Travel/Day Off: Albuquerque
Today was a day to relax (and catch up on work) in beautiful, mild weathered Albuquerque. The event of the day was going to see Spider-Man with Mr. Wilson. We both gave it 2 thumbs up, for a total of 4 thumbs.
...Maladroit rising: exclusives, events, and whatnot!
- Ireland and Australia are the first 2 countries where you can buy Maladroit, with a May 10 release date. So if you live there...
- reports are coming in now from people who have seen the "Dope Nose" video on MTV and M2. We dont know what kind of rotation its in yet. On M2, dope nose was featured on "control freak"...It won with 48% of the vote, (beating the clash - 'rock the casbah' which had 45% and musiq - 'halfcrazy' with 7%)
- MuchMusic Canada: Dope Nose has entered their TOP 30 Countdown at #29. The Countdown will air @ 5:00pm & 7:30pm on Friday and on Saturday at 7:00am & 12:00pm. Dope Nose will be the first video shown.
- RAGE (ABC tv) Australia: Will be debuting the Dope Nose video Friday Night May 10th 2002 at 12:40am "through to 9:00am Saturday"...
- Rolling Stone's 4 star review of Maladroit...
- MTV.com is having an exclusive "first listen" of Maladroit on the site starting Friday May 10.
- Switzerland: Rock station Couleur 3 is having a Maladroit day on 5/10. Colour 3 is broadcast over most of Switzerland and some of France. The station will play 1 song per hour during all the day and also they will offer some albums.
- 97X, WOXY: All this weekend, 97X is giving listeners a chance to win Maladroit before they can buy it. Just tune into WOXY.com from Saturday through Monday. Anytime 97X plays Dope Nose, dial the 97X lines (513-523-4114) and be caller number 20.
- y100.com sez: "Weezer Weekend. Win a copy of Weezer's new album MALADROIT before-you-can-buy-it! Plus, you'll be registered for the grand prize... a trip for two to Weezer's Summer tour opener! Plus, listen all weekend as we preview the album and on Sunday night at 11 PM we'll play the album in its entirety!"
- Here's the online edition of the recent Billboard cover story, which focused on the recent drama between weezer and their label.