Karl's Corner - 06/22/2001
6/22/01 chillin' in Stuttgart
Today we woke up in Stuttgart, which is the closest city to tomorrow's Southside Festival. A typical combo of wandering around looking at stuff and behind the scenes band business. Lots going on, but not much I can report on (yet!). So here are some cool announcements from some fans, and a new installment of Green Album Radio/Video reports from you...
...Fan Announcement #1: "I decided to organize weezerfest 2001 for chicago on saturday, july 14. this is for anyone who loves weezer and wants to hang out with other weezer fans from the chicago area (or any other place if you feel like driving here.) for lack of a better central meeting place, we'll meet in grant park sometime in the afternoon, maybe three. bring cd players, cameras, guitars, stories, little kids, soccer balls, i don't know. whatever you want. if you have suggestions of a better place to meet, or any ideas for what to do, or if you want to be on the mailing list, email me at hunny133@hotmail.com. i'll get out more definate news as we get closer and i hear back from who wants to go." -Beth
...Fan Announcement #2: "Hello, this is =w= fanclub memeber #2282 Jason Holstrom in Seattle,
Washington. About three months ago, me and a friend of mine went to a "The Smiths" cover
night at Seattle's Crocodile cafe and were upset about the lack of quality
in performance. That night we decided that we would put on a Weezer cover
night and do it RIGHT!!!! Our dreams came true and it is booked with 10-14
Seattle bands booked to play the show. Weezer Tribute Night (it's a benefit but I can't recall what specific cause); July 5th 2001; at the Sit and Spin, Seattle.
Local Radio Stations and Publications are already advertising and this thing
has already become a much bigger deal than we expected (10-14 bands!)!!!!
We are also planning on doing a webcast of the event."
- Green Album Radio/Video Reports part 13: 6/15+...what YOUR requests are doing...
- (note the reports from 4/10-5/31 have been moved to the Fans' news pages,
- which will be back shortly (if you bookmarked them before I think theyre still accessable...and see 5/12 for part 8, 5/18 for part 9, 5/31 for part 10, 6/3 for part 11, and 6/14 for part 12)
- Want to request a weezer song anywhere in the USA?
- A fan has set up a handy Radio Station Contact List Page with phone #s and email links to many stations nationwide!
- ...I heard hashpipe as #1 on Toronto radio station Edge102 last night. Even beat Tool... hip hip
- ...in Spain, Hash Pipe is
- beggining to be played on the most popular
- radiestation (40Principales) and i heard
- Island in the sun in a few cool radiostations
- (M80 and Radio3).
- ...On Sunday June 10th, WBCN Boston DJ Nik Carter's morning show (which on Sundays is nationwide (??)) did a special on Weezer! It featured several songs from the new album and some older songs as well, and ::::each song was introduced by one of the band members talking about it. Unfortunately, I was driving away from the direction of the station so I lost the signal and missed much of the show. Hash Pipe is also a ::::regular in the BCN rotation, and I've heard Island In the Sun a few times too!
- ...Hash Pipe is place 1 of the FM4-Radio Charts. (FM4 is an Austrian Alternative Radio-Channel)
- The whole Charts you can see here: http://www.fm4.at/station/39827/main?tmp=7900
- -Greetings from Austria
- ...Weezer is hitting Ireland. The green Album is being pushed big time by the
- record stores, it's everywhere and people are becoming interested. It's odd
- considering that if I asked a punter two months ago if they'd ever heard of
- Weezer they wouldn't have a clue! The single is out here on July 2nd and it
- will be very interesting to see to see what happens. On MTV there is a
- 'peoples chart' called the 'Top 10 at 10' where the chart is determined
- based on phone requests and last night 'Hash Pipe' was at number 7. Not only
- that but it's been in the Top 10 now for days! I'm going to go now, resume
- the campaign to put Weezer in the Irish charts!
- ...Today, 6/14 on Live 105.3 in San Francisco, "Don't Let Go" was played as the
- daily "Pick at 6". Great to hear a new song on the radio, and a much needed
- break from all the Limp Bizkit crap that abounds on the station.
- ...Update from Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. The local Alternative station
- here, 107.1 WPGU, is still givin plenty of airtime to Hash Pipe. It also was
- the number one requested song for 42 days, which broke the old record
- by 10 days. WPGU continues to play Buddy Holly, Undone, Say it Ain't So,
- and El Scorcho on a regular basis. In fact I believe I heard all of those
- today. In addition, adding to Weezer's success here in Champaign, they
- were voted "Greatest Rock Artist Ever" on 107.1's website back in March,
- beating out Radiohead, U2, and I think Pearl Jam. Weezer is rockin it up
- in Champaign-Urbana.
- ...I'm a Dj at Trinity university's radio staion 91.7 KRTU and we've been
- playing Hash Pipe since before the album came out and the first time i
- played it, i was like wow, this is great, and i get calls telling me how
- cool the song is. The other San Antonio stations don't really get any
- "alternative" into the airwaves.
- ...it's been a month since TGA was relesed, and the record stores still don't have it here in the Philippines(even tower records don't have it,unbelievable).and they've(Channel [V] Asia) showed hash pipe ::::only once, MTV hasn't showed it at all.This is just crazy,and i've checked out the latest billboard album chart, and that stupid Staind album is #1 again 4 d 3rd straight week!
- ...Up here in Edmonton, Canada on 100.3 The BEAR "Hash Pipe" is getting regular play and is even on the daily top ten list. It's has been either #1 or #2 for the past few weeks. Music video wise it has ::::gotten regular airplay on Much Music.
- ...just wanted to let you know kfma 92.1 in tucson is playing " hash pipe ",
- "don't let go" and "island in the sun" on a regular basis.
- ...columbus ohio: just writting to tell you that photograph was played on cd101 and hash pipe of course.
- ...I drive a transit van round london all day and the tape-deck-less radio in
- the van has been cranked unusually loud recently. XFM are absolutly playing
- the shit out of Hash Pipe, it's been building since the beggining of May
- with one play a week up to literally 3 or 4 times a day now. It's amazing to
- see =W= getting played so much. Buddy Holly didn't get this much attention.
- Green is also album of the week on XFM which means they play a different
- song from it every evening. Radio 1 has even started playing it in the day
- which is something of a near miracle, when you consider radio 1s strict "NO
- ...In KC, Weezer is getting screwed. On 96.5 "The Buzz" there only seems to be
- a few DJ's who play "Hash Pipe" and it's only played after 6PM. I haven't
- heard it on 98.9 "The Rock" but I don't listen to them as frequently as I do
- "The Buzz". The other two stations that play a variety of music haven't even
- heard of Weezer (Maybe they have. But if they haven't it would certainly
- explain a lot). We need more people to start calling "The Buzz" or "The
- Rock" here in KC and get Weezer some air play. This is ridiculous! I'm
- tired of DMB, Eve 6, and this other guy who did a remake of "In your eyes".
- ...Weezer is getting a huge amount of air time over here in CT on WMRQ 104.1 on which they already played the whole green album in it's entirety a week ago.
- ...Indonesia: I can tell you that 'Hash Pipe' got to number one on the MTV On Sky 101.6 FM Top 40 chart and to number three on the Prambors 102.3 FM Top 40 for the week of June 2-9. This is very good news, ::::'cause these are the two most listened to (and hippest) radio stations in town, and it means the kids aren't messing their heads with rap metal so much anymore.
- ...our weezer prom is coming up (too). it is
- lockport high school in lockport new york
- ..."hash pipe, great song" "**** pipe, mtv.. such pussies" - opie & anthony;
- nyc/pa shock jock talk show hosts
- ...Yesterday I participated in my communities Relay for Life, an
- all-night walk/run event to raise money for cancer. Well they had a
- deejay and sound system set up, but by 4 A.M. all that seemed to be
- playing was Celine Dion and Grease Lightning, so my friends and I
- decided to change that, when no one was around we faded out the
- crappy, sappy song that was playing and slipped in some blue Weezer.
- We got many thanks for putting in better music and the entire album
- was played without anyone changing it. We watched the sun rise to
- "only in dreams" it was beautiful.
- ...107.5 The Buzz in Houston. Well....Hash Pipe is actually getting air
- time. The only thing is that it usually gets played anywhere from 10 to
- midnight during this thing called "Nightly News" where they play new stuff.
- So it is getting played.
- ...Island in the Sun is playing a lot (I've heard it three times in the
- last day) on Y100 WPLY 100.3 (philly)
- ..."Hash Pipe" is back to being #1 on Y100's weekly top 25 countdown...they were #1 for a while, then slipped for a week, but now they're back!
- ...I was just at the Angles game last night. It was Angels vs Dodgers at
- Anaheim Stadium. I'm just chillin' watching the game and then I heard
- an all too familiar song being blasted throughout the stadium. It was
- Hash Pipe. I immediately jumped up and shouted "Yeah! Weezer!" I got
- the people around me to start cheering for it, too. I was way stoked,
- however, the Angels lost, so that was a bummer.
- ...I just saw H**h pipe on Mtv latino, what's up with
- that? I know they censored it on mtv in the states,
- but most latin kids don't know what "hash" is, it's
- not like the song says "mota pipe" at any point. I
- think I heard Ruth (one of the vj's) say something
- about an interview with the guys. I hope they air it.
- ...base here in oklahoma, last week, 100.5,
- the KATT, played the green album in its entirety, and even had the respect to
- go commercialless. We can't get enough of =w=
- ...Well, here (in Lima, Peru) "Hash Pipe" was at No. 1 on the local rock station, "99.1 Doble Nueve," in May, but Blink 182 took the position since the beginning of this month with their god damn "Rock Show" ::::song. F****rz.....
- Well, Island in the Sun is being played *A LOT*. Almost every time I turn the radio on, it's playing. Sometimes, at night, they play the whole Green Album. Weezer's very appreciated here in Peru!
- "H*** Pipe" is also played constantly on Latin MTV, but it's not a big hit. The Award show will be aired on the 21st.
- ...Weezer is getting 4 new songs played on the salt lake city utah's X96.
- They are playing photograph, hash pipe, island in the sun, and smile.
- i requests one of those at least 6 times a week.
- ...I just want to tell you that CHOI-FM, in quebec city play HASH PIPE about 5-6 times everyday!!!
- ...Just letting you know that this past weekend, Hash Pipe clenched
- it's third week in a row at number one on the WEDG 103.3 The Edge Out of
- Order countdown. This is pretty cool. Also, the weezer scene is pretty good
- at my high school, Kenmore West, too. Me and about ten other devoted fans
- were really excited about the new album in the weeks leading up to its
- release, and the excitement caught on and a ton of people I guess you would
- say "jumped on the band wagon" like usual and all went out and bought the
- album.
- ...At Tallahassee Community College I received a pre-final's present during the morning while drinking coffee in the student union "Hash Pipe" was on the CTV network for the first I've seen it there or any ::::real music for that matter.
- ...Here in Richmond, VA Weezer is being played very frequently on the
- modern rock radio station Y101. Hash Pipe is one of their favorite songs to
- play and on day I heard Island in the Sun where the DJ was asking for input.
- Richmond loves you guys!
- ...i was listening to the radio at work the other day and all of the
- sudden i hear Island in the Sun on it...and the DJ was saying how good the
- album is (which I totally agree on) and he was saying his only complaint is
- that the album is way to short.
- ...(Chicago) This morning I woke up and I turned my stereo on to my high school radio station and was overjoyed to hear Island in the Sun first thing in the morning. When the guy played Suzanne and ::::California I was surprised that he played Weezer so many times in a row. This guy played Weezer for 45 minutes straight! I just laid in bed and sang along with every song. What a great way to start off a ::::humid summer day in the 'burbs! I have to say that those 45 minutes where the finest 45 minutes in radio history.
- ...'Island in the Sun' is getting good airplay at WHFS
- Washington DC, and is the #2 most requested song...
- ...did you watch The Price is Right on 06/22/01? The overall winner (Samantha) was wearing a Weezer T-Shirt!
- ...island in the sun -#2 most wanted on whfs; #14 y100 philly!
- ...on the 21st the Weez pulled off a victory during MTV2's
- Control Freak by a 48% margin via H***pipe, beating out Creed and Trick
- Daddy.