Karl's Corner - 09/13/2010

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The New Weezer.com! | AXE Secret Show

2010/09/13 The New Weezer.com! | AXE Secret Show

***Folks, the new weezer record "Hurley" drops TOMORROW, but you can pick it up RIGHT NOW at any PacSun store. And they also have some very cool new weezer style clothes for sale that are limited and only available at PacSun.

...SoCal Weezer fans, Weezer is doing a thing with AXE for the unique AXE Music One Night Only Concert Series on September 21 in Los Angeles. The location will be a secret but follow AXE on Facebook and Twitter throughout the week to find out how to get tickets. They’ll be leaving them in secret locations, but you’ll have to follow AXE to know exactly when/where.

...People, the day is here, the time is now. After a lot of experimenting and tweaking, The new home of weezer.com is ready for visitors! At some point during Monday (today/tonight), the URL "weezer.com" will start pointing to the new site, while what you know as the current site will live on under the URL "http://classic.weezer.com". [Note 1] (The new site will get all updates and such, while the soon-to-be-old site will get slected updates depending on if the news is regarding a Geffen release.) So when you start seeing something different, we will have officially launched! (refresh your browser if you arent sure).

The most important thing to know is that you will need to RE-REGISTER on the new site in order to participate (beyond normal browsing). And theres a LOT to participate in - every registered member can post on the forums, post their very own blogs, post pictures and video, get email updates, and more! We tried to create the most fan friendly and fan-interactive home for weezer.com, and we think we've succeeded!

Theres still some work to be done for sure, but all the basics are up and running right now. SO... when it pops up at weezer.com, check it out and explore! It's a bit different than most band websites, but after you get the feel of it and see the potential, we think you're gonna like our new home!

***Hurley Pre-Order packages via Bravado: exclusive shirts, prints, wristband avail w/ "Hurley" preorders. Cool stuff!*** [Note 2]

***Hurley Pre-Order packages via Epitaph: Many variations and permutations to choose from! Exclusive new T-Shirts!***

...REMINDER: If you havent seen it yet, watch our new music video, for the lead off Hurley single "Memories"! [Note 3] It debuted on Mtv and mtv.com yesterday, check it out! Jackass! Skating! Stunts! Shredding! Shralping!

...REMINDER: on Wednesday, September 15th, Weezer are playing on the Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno! Tune in! And if your gonna be near Burbank, CA that day, now you know why you need to try and get in the audience!


  1. Link has been changed on Weezerpedia to an archived capture on archive.org.
  2. Link has been changed on Weezerpedia to an archived capture on archive.org.
  3. Link has been removed on Weezerpedia because it is no longer available. (Original link: http://www.mtv.com/videos/weezer/559819/memories.jhtml)