Karl's Corner - 09/25/2010

From Weezerpedia

2010/09/25 Peoria, IL: Bradley University: The Unnamed New Arena

***Special Notice: Here's a sneak preview of the footage AXE will be posting of Weezer & friends at the 9/21 AXE One Night Only show.***

We rolled into Peoria around 6:30 AM after driving overnight from Columbus, and those who were sleeping on the bus either continued to, or woke up in order to go back to sleep in a hotel room. Then, depending on which sleep option was taken, we either woke up in the bus outside Bradley University's new Arena, or took a van ride to same. Logistics!

Apparently this is the inaugural Grand Opening concert event at Bradley's brand new arena, so we get to break in a brand new building today. Come on down and help us!


As Borat likes to say, "great success!" Thanks to all the Bradley U. staff, students and fans, for making what was a dreary rainy day outside into a super fun and cool night inside their brand new arena. The New Bradley U. Arena is a nice mod size dealio, like a 'fun size' Snickers bar at Halloween - still packed with peanuts, still satisfying.

Brian's 102 year old Grandma Lilah was on hand, coming up from Iowa City with other Brian relatives. Lilah is a pretty amazing woman, and Brian sang her praises during the epic "Brian's Song" metallic piano shredfest tonight. Lilah kept her hearing aids out for the show, which with the deafening arena sound system rocking out for the first time, ended up being about just the right volume level for her. I would appear form the rest of the audience reaction that it was just about the right volume for their college-age ears too.

Thanks One World staffers for the nice autographed pizza box! (and the delicious pizza within). And thanks Coop Records for a breif fun vinyl shopping foray right before the show got started.

Heres's a local Peoria paper's review of the show.

Comment here if you went, or start a thread on our message boards! Tell your tale!

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