Weezer concert: 06/03/1997

From Weezerpedia
Weezer concert: 06/03/1997
Weezer concert: 06/03/1997 cover
Tour Pinkerton Tour
Venue San Diego Sports Arena
Location San Diego, California
Date June 3, 1997
Associated album Pinkerton
Supporting acts Suicide Machines
Headliner No Doubt
Weezer live show chronology
06/01/1997 -
Anaheim, CA
06/03/1997 -
San Diego, CA
06/05/1997 (a) -
Salt Lake City, UT

Weezer opened for No Doubt at the San Diego Sports Arena in San Diego, California on June 3, 1997 as part of the Pinkerton Tour. Suicide Machines also opened.


No. Song
1 "My Name Is Jonas  
2 "Getchoo  
3 "No One Else  
4 "The Good Life  
5 "Say It Ain't So  
6 "Why Bother?  
7 "Undone - The Sweater Song  
8 "You Gave Your Love to Me Softly  
9 "Pink Triangle  
10 "Buddy Holly  
11 "El Scorcho  
12 "Surf Wax America  
Source: [1]

Fan recollection

Dave Bowman would recount the show in 1997:[2]

The first time I saw Weezer, was at the San Diego Sports Arena when they opened for No Doubt. Weezer has been my favorite band since 1994, and it never really occured to me that when you like a band, it might be neat to go see them live. So anyways, I didn't have any money, and I had to do some "chores" to get the cash. It was on a school night and I had finals a couple of days later, so it wasn't as good as my second weezer show. Me and my friend, Nate, showed up at the venue at about 5:45 (I later learned that it's more fun to get there early). After being frisked, we went inside, I bought a shirt, and we sat down. I was very excited to see all the happy weezer fans running around even though there were also no doubt (yuck) fans there too. When I saw the big W unveiled, I about went into a frenzy of excitement but that was nothing compared to when the show actually started. We were sitting about 8 miles away from the stage, because we bought tickets so late. The first band was Suicide Machines. No comment. Then Karl came out and started to set up with the other fellas, and I was thinking it was about time to get to the good stuff. Then the boys came out to the Graduation song (whatever that is) and everyone was screaming and jumping up and down. They kicked it off with My Name is Jonas (surprise, surprise) and being where I was, watching the kids on the floor, I felt like I was trying to watch T.V. while squinting my eyes. But the show was still great. They played My Name is Jonas, No One Else, Buddy Holly, Undone-the Sweater Song ( I think), Surf Wax America, Say it Ain't So, Getchoo, El Scorcho, You Gave Your Love to Me Softly, Pink Triangle, and No Other One ( I think), but not in that order. When they were done, me and Nate walked around outside the arena, where they were selling stuff. We found some other fans and talked to them for a bit. They said that they were looking for Rivers. We walked around some more and then went and watched part of Just a Girl. It was very annoying and we left. Then we went outside and waited for the band, by the bus. We talked to a girl named Jessica and she told us the rules about meeting Weezer, because she had met them before. A guy walked by and I thought it was Pat, but Jessica knew better. We waited for about an hour and a half and then the show ended and everyone came outside, and instead of the 10 Weezer fans that didn't care for no doubt, there were hundreds of fans who just wanted to meet someone famous. Fifteen minutes later, Rivers walked out and Jessica called him over and started talking with him about college, and there was a barrier between us, and he said, "Can I get over this?", and he climbed over. Too bad though, because me was mobbed by all the fans, and I was too excited to say anything intelligent. He signed my fan club card, my shirt, and my ticket. Boy, was I ever stupid for doing that. I felt sorry for him after I settled down, because I thought about what would happen if he had to sign three things of every fan at the venue. Then we left and I didn't feel like I met him until a half hour later. I was blown away. I knew that wouldn't be the last time I talked to him. I was right. Anyways, it was a really good show, and it would have been better if I had been on the floor. By the way, I failed my finals and had to take summer school!

—Dave Bowman, Behind the Sweater, circa 1997



See also


  1. Setlist per: Image:Weezersetlist-1997-06-03.jpg, courtesy of u/Thefawn4 on Reddit
  2. Behind the Sweater concert review page. Archived on 8 October 1999. Internet Archive.