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The following page holds the content that will be "transcluded" (i.e. sent over to) the Main Page as a featured quote for November 2022. For assistance with editing, please consult Help:Featured quote.

Featured quote: Jason Cropper on Chopper One, May 1997


"I can live with people saying it sounds a little like Weezer. I was in Weezer from the beginning, and even before that, in the pre-Weezer bands. A lot of what is on that first Weezer album was me. I can hear on the second one how it went from being a collaborative effort to being a (band leader) Rivers (Cuomo) thing. The parts of Weezer that were acoustic-guitar-based on the first one are me, that was my influence and, for a while, we were all on the same page. We all liked Morrissey, the Beatles and the Beach Boys, but where Rivers' roots come more from the Kiss direction, mine are more from The Who. He's more into Brian Wilson and I'm more into Pete Townshend."

- Jason Cropper, Addicted to Noise article - May 27, 1997

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