Karl's Corner - 01/15/2001
This article is a mirror of another web page The original text is archived here: https://web.archive.org/web/20010405082426/http://www.weezer.net/karl/cornerarchive7.htm |
...recording day 19...time marches on... didn't we just start this album? Some of it is already starting to sound pretty 'finished' to me. All the songs still require guitar embelleshments and backing vocals, and there is still some debate as to which songs will actually be on this thing...but I'm happy to report that it already sounds fantastic. Kudos must go to everyone involved, who are working like dogs to move it along. Just who is involved, you ask? I've decided to profile the people "behind the scene", some of who you may have glimpsed in recent photos. I'm going to try and get a little background info out of each of them over the next few days and post it up so you all know about the great folks who are helping out.
The "staff" (besides the band and myself) includes:
Atom Willard, Drum Tech and all around assistant, driver of hot rod pickup truck
Bobby Schneck, Guitar Tech (more like guitar wizard), champion coffee imbiber
Ken Allerdies, Head Engineer, "getter of sounds", keen-eared multitrack bloodhound
Alan (last name to come) Second Engineer, rolls tape, keeps track of everything.
...and of course Ric, the Producer (lets you know when its not good enough!)
...apparently the Tonight Show is repeated at 2 AM, one week after it initially airs, so I beleive that means that tomorrow (or Wednesday...?) you have a chance to see Pat's special appearence on the air again.