Japan World Cup Tour
Tour dates
- 05/16/2002
Sendai, Japan - Club Zepp
- 05/18/2002
Tokyo, Japan - Club Zepp
- 05/19/2002
Fukuoka, Japan - Club Zepp
- 05/20/2002
Hiroshima, Japan - Club Quattro
- 05/22/2002
Osaka, Japan - Club Zepp
- 05/23/2002
Osaka, Japan - Club Zepp
- 05/25/2002
Nagoya, Japan - Kosei Nenkin Hall
- 05/26/2002
Tokyo, Japan - Club Zepp
- 05/27/2002
Tokyo, Japan - Nippon Budokan
- There is no song that was played at every show of this tour.
- The most played song was "The Good Life" (8 times).
- The least played songs were "Across the Sea", "Keep Fishin'", "O Girlfriend" and "Happy Together" (each 1 time)
- Only 5 songs from the first four albums were not played live during this tour:
- "The World Has Turned and Left Me Here" from The Blue Album
- "Pink Triangle" and "Butterfly" from Pinkerton
- "Possibilities" and "December" from Maladroit