Karl's Corner - 08/26/2001

From Weezerpedia

8/26/01 more more more

UPDATE: =rwa= news updated. new york & boston shows confirmed.

One of the two new songs played at the KROQ show is definitely called "Get Me On The Line", at least for now, but I'm not sure which one. Also, the lyric in the song that many people said should be called "So Long", is actually "So Low". So, unless the lyric changes...

...more fan reactions from Saturday's show:

"The first really cool thing about weezer at this show was rivers' solos. on
most of the songs from the green album, he really cut loose and didnt just
follow simple melody lines. He was also the most energetic I have seen him
out of the four weezer shows ive been to. The solos deffinetly kicked more
ass than usual. After photograph Rivers said "thanks, biotches" which was
funny. The second cool thing was the two new songs. The first had an
instrumental part that sounded kind of metal-ish, or harder weezer like hash
pipe or american gigalo, but then more standard weezer verses and choruses. I
liked this song a lot. The second one i think is called "take back the love"
and was realy good too. Kind of slower in the beginning, but it deffinetly
rocked, too. Of course, I have to talk about Scott Shriner. Well first of all
this dude is pretty tall. He is a very good bass player. I was trying my best
to give him a chance, but I must admit I miss Mikey, for two main reasons.
One - Scott was a fairly good back-up singer, but he didn't sing nearly as
much as Mikey. On "Undone" he only sang the "oo-oo"s at the end...he didnt do
any of the talking part, so it was Brian by himself, which was lame. He also
didn't do the backup during the "superman skivies" part which is the coolest
part. So that was kind of a bummer. The other thing is he just isn't nearly
as cool as Mikey or Matt. Both of those guys were funny as hell and badasses.
He is a good player, but hes no badass. I must say that he did do a good job
singing the "whoa-whoas" on hash pipe with some dude jumping on his back.
Also it was cool during hash pipe when Brian came over and shared the mic
with scott and they rocked out. After hash pipe, brian introduced scott and
said "this scott shriner. welcome to weezer, scott." By far, the ending
during Surf Wax was the most rocking I have ever seen. The other crazy thing
was Pat shaved his head!!! I was shocked by this. Pennywise, Social D, and
Offspring all gave weezer props, which was cool. "

". I was very dissapointed in your
performance at the Inland Invasion on August 25th. Don't get me wrong the
music was good despite the crappy sound quality and Scott picked up where
Mickey left off, but why did u play every song off the green album. I enjoyed
the 4 songs from the blue album but I expected a few from Pinkerton. It came
off as a set made for all the fans who just found out who you guys are when
hash pipe came out. "

"They opened
with "Photograph." I sang along and they played two
new untitled but wonderful songs. I hope they release
the songs because they were beyond good. The second
song was beautiful and I dont remember the first
because there was too much weed going around and it
was really hot. I bought a hat with the =w= sign on
the front and some guy was trying to buy it off me
when they sold out. but back to the set! right before
they played "buddy holly" *i think* some freak jumped
on Scott and I freaked out because Scott was doing a
great job, so after the song me and my friend were
yelling "it's okay scott! You're cool, it's okay!" but
then we got strange looks from other people who *i
assume* didn't know who Scott was....Quote of the night:
(after weezer's set)
Me: 'that was better than sex!'
My best friend, Abby: 'you have no basis of comparison!'
the woman in front of: 'I do, this was better!' "

"During one of the
earlier songs (can't really recall the exact one) a butterfly flew around
the stage for a few moments, it went right in front of Pat and Atom was next
to him. I am pretty sure they both saw it. I just thought that was very
surreal and fitting to the occasion. I left after Weezer and gave my pit
tickets to some kids. It was a good day."

"Some big guy with a zz top goatee
next to me kept flippin off Weezer and screamin obscinities. I told him to
f*** off, then he threatened to kick my ass. =( On top of that, the sound
coming out of the lawn speakers was groggy like a worn out audio tape, the
volume would swell in and out. That was the only band that happened to. It
was real hard to enjoy."

"weezer rocked and scott was awesome; although he bared a striking
resemblance to the hanson brothers from the old hockey flic "Slap Shot" . i
agree with some other people that weezer should have probably headlined. "

"Weezer was the best band there by far. They were the most
professional and didn't have to resort to cussing or trying to provoke
the crowd to get everyone excited and thus reaffirming my love of the
band. However, one thing did disappoint me. Where were the Pinkerton
songs? .....during the songs with quiet parts, everyone began applauding like it
was the end of the song. People who were one minute singing along
because they knew the words had to stop clapping when they realized the
band was still playing."

"i am a huge weezer fan, their my favorite band, but, they were the worst band
there, it was embarassing wearing my =w= hat in front of my friends who kept
muttering 'this sucks'. weezer was very boring and bland, and played their
worst songs at the beginning of the set, they didnt open with Jonas (which im
ok with) but Photograph? Social D, Pennywise even Offspring blew em away. "

"weezer kicked
some serious ass. I was real stoked on surf wax or
as it was referred too by the stoned/drunk weezer fans
"the take your car song". I'm not sure what was up with
scott being attacked by a random fan but I think
Rivers put in best when he said to scott "welcome to
weezer". The best part of the weezer show was when
everyone got up and sang buddy holly, say it aint so,
and I dont think one person wasn't singing "You take
your car to work i'll take my board". One Kick ass

"Weezer has the best staff around.Not only were they
one of the few staffs that seemed to be there getting ready even before it
was time to set up, but they got that guy off of Scott's back super fast.
Secondly, Scott. I must admit when I first saw him I was disappointed that I
was about to see Mikey play. HE totally won me over after the guy was on his
back, yet he kept playing. They guy was pratically strangling him, yet he
didn't miss a beat. Not to mention the fact that he lost his glasses. Believe
me I was one of the many fans going wild for Scott after he said "I seemed to
have misplaced my glasses..." "

"The new songs were harder with some catchy Hash-Pipe style riffs, also, the greenerton songs had some pretty kick-ass, experimental guitar leads, rather than the predictable leads from the album that followed the melody. Rivers seemed very comfortable in front of the crowd of 30,000, as did brian, who were up to there usually antics, and getting really into the guitar. Pat was sporting a new hair cut. As for Scott, welcome to weezer. He looked right at home, in my opinion. He sounded great, and when distracted he went right on playing, i don't know why anyone thinks that based on his non-traditional look, that he doesn't belong in weezer. We miss mikey, but scott did great! thanks Scott! "

....Heres an explanation of this mysterious picture from yesterday, courtesy Sheeny the Organized:

"Today Rivers was asked to appear in a cameo role for the new Crystal Method video shot by director Marcos Siega (Hash Pipe). Crazy themes seem to be the hot thing at the moment but instead of exotic animals, today we had exotic people. Contortionists, midgets, Elvis and Marilyn (both Monroe and Manson) look-a-likes, Sumo wrestlers, you name it they seemed to have it. It looked more like a strange, freakish vibrantly colored circus than a regular video shoot. It must have appeared very strange to the many passerbys.

We arrived on set around 2.30p and Rivers's cameo was to appear in a scene sitting in a bar with the Sumo wrestler from the Hash Pipe video, while all the other bizarre characters wandered around them. It was a bit chaotic with all the people milling around and chatting and blow up dolls flying around in the air but Marcos managed to get the shots he needed and then we were done. We had some lunch in the trailer and then we were free to go home. On the way home Rivers marveled as to why all video shoots couldn't be that way."

...Green Album Radio/Video Reports part 19: 8/16+...what YOUR requests are doing...if you aint hearing it on the radio, give em a call to request weezer songs! these are little stories from YOU, of what you've been seeing and hearing in the world of the airwaves and video. (Note that the next installment of general fan's stories (not just these radio and video reports) is due shortly over in the 'weezer fans' section.)

...on the way home at midnight after a girl's (and a guy) night out, my friends were having the most random conversation about theories for next year's dawson's creek, and not knowing a thing about what they were talking about, i zoned out only to discover a familiar guitar riff and these faint "hip hip's" on the radio. so i shamelessly freaked out when i discovered it was "island in the sun," and needless to say everything that was being discussed about pacey and boston was halted. thankfully enough riding shotgun was a fellow weezer fan, so upon my outburst, she turned up the song to my delight, but the real twist was when she told me what station it was playing on...it wasn't san diego's 91x, not la's very own KROQ, but it was STAR 98.7, "today's best music"...basically, la's radio vh1 of sorts...hits of the 80's and 90's...that was certainly a first.

...Hey, I was talking to my friend, and she was in St. Louis last week, and she said that they were playing Burnt Jamb on the radio in Missouri. Are they allowed to do that? If so, I think that's pretty nifty.

... yesterday i was listening to a local college radio station (it's
Augustana College Radio on 89.1 here in Sioux Falls, South Dakota so i'm
pretty sure you haven't heard the station) and low and behold "knock
down-drag out" came on. don't worry, i turned up the radio all the way and
rolled down the windows on my car. weezer gets very little radio play over
here so it was a nice surprise.

...95.5 WBRU here in little bitty Rhode Island
has been playing Weezer songs off the the hook (in part thanks to me and my
friends incessant requests every day every hour every minute). I was
listeneing one day and Hash Pipe came on and then almost 1/2 hour later Buddy
Holly came on....that was a surprise considering the time in between! Then I
switched over to 103.7 FNX and Hash Pipe was on again!!! It was crazy! I was
in a mall parking garage so I blasted it and all the old people were like
those kids and their damn rock music

...you know y100 is a huge supporter of
weezer..and everyday they have a 90's
nooner..where they only play 90's songs..weezer
is always on that...for say it aint so buddy
holly and undone..those are the only ones i
heard..maybe they'll play pinkerton...we wish
they would anyway..but weezer gets such heavy
airplay here..

...Here in Phoenix, on WEEZER's favorite station THE EDGE they were doing a contest where one of the DJ's was playing the acoustic guitar and callers had to guess what song it was and it was Island In The sun! Oh yah and i also heard on MTV some snippets of HASH PIPE playing on that new dating show DISMISSED

...Island In the Sun is this weeks #1 New Request on 97.5 Kpoi's the new show.
It won. Every time the guy plays it he talks about how so many people call
up and request it. Last Night I believe he called it a mass of requests.
Another night he said the Green album is blowing up in Hawaii, or the song
everyone is talking about. Kpoi Will not play anything off pink, not even
suzzane from mallrats. A funny story happened to me. I had the station on
105.9 and the dj said Island in the sun is coming up. On 97.5 the guy said I
got the new weezer one. So I flipped back and forth. Then 105.9 plays it. I
then put it on kpoi to find out if they were playing it and they were. Then
on the point 101.1 they were playing it. THE SAME WEEZER SONG WAS BEING
PLAYED BY 3 STATIONS AT THE SAME TIME. To bad it was at night though. Star
101.9 still has never heard of Island in the Sun.

...here in lame old chambersburg, PA they have one good radio station-103.7
the revolution.they have this top ten song countdown every sunday night.hash
pipe has been number one for the past eight weeks!!!!!just thought i'd let
you know.they always play songs from the blue album too!

...On Krock NYC's website on today (wednesday) Island was #10. Also KROQ LA has
Island at #4 and Hash at #13 most played.

...At 97.5 Kpoi Ever night before the new show and after loveline they always
play Say it Aint so. That rocks. For the past 2 weeks they've been doing
that. One time they played buddy holly then.

...I recently flew home from indiana to orange county and i happen to
look at their guide to their radio. Then on channel number 3 titled the
buzz, what do i see? Buddy Holly and O Girlfriend.

...KJYO 102.7 in Oklahoma City has finally decided to add "Island in the Sun" to their playlist. KATT 100.5 had been playing "Hashpipe", and even played the whole album one Sunday night during a special show where they play full albums, but they haven't picked up "Island in the Sun." So I'm glad another station took notice.

...MTV2's control Freak today (thursday) had weezer up againsts Shaggy, and
REM. Island in the Sun got 52 percent while Shaggy got 29 and REM got 19.
Weezer rules it kicked ass. And thanks to all the weezer fans who made it

...Hendesonville, TN: I was sitting in my friend
sean's car...he has a cd changer in the back and the radiostation has to be
on a certain channel, like 88.5 or something, it never comes in all static,
but then we start to drive and it comes in and "Crab" is on. Sean went to
change the channel and I I was like, "Hey!" "It's Weezer, Damn it!"
It was awesome, didn't expect then to be playing crab.

...here in seattle, 107.7 the end has been giving some good air time to "hash
pipe" and "island in the sun". last weekend, they premired the version of
hash pipe re-mixed by jimmy pop. also, on my last two visits to american
eagle at a seattle-area mall, weezer was played in the store (on my first
trip- "photograph"; on my second- "island in the sun"). seattle is digging
the green album!

...WBER 90.5 ("the only station that matters,") in new york is currently playing 'island in the sun' a lot, (as well as 94.1 the ZONE,) but WBER continues to play old weezer songs, and i think new b-sides. (at least ones i've never heard before.) every dj there is a loyal weezer fan, so we get a lot of treats.

...Island In the Sun is getting some serious airplay on
Vancouver radio stations 99.3 CFOX and 104.9 XFM. But
don't think that Hash Pipe hath died down! The Fox
still plays it regularly, especially during the Fox's
4:20 (how fitting!). Not only have I awakened at 4:20
in the morning to "uhn!" (Rivers' groan in the song),
but I have been pleasantly surprised to hear the
overall good response to the band's new single.

...Down here in austin Weezer is getting alotta air play since the single hash
pipe came out! It seems about everytime I turn the radio on its either Hash
Pipe or Island in the Sun.

...i live in sacramento, and on KWOD 106.5 (this was like a
week ago) they played "photograph" on the radio. hashpipe and island are
getting tons of airplay, and they still play buddy holly pretty often. also,
at www.modernrock.com, as of today (8/16) island in the sun is the #4 song
on their weekly top 30 list (hashpipe dropped off the list last week; it was
at #1 for a bit).

...For me is a great pleasure to see that finally Weezer is on the Radio
here in Mexico, i am a big big fan of the band since the blue album but in here
it seemed that weezer were totally unknown, no songs on the radio or videos
on the tv, but thankfully now we are able to see not only the new videos
but also the old ones (just like 2 weeks ago i saw for the firts time the say
it ain't so video and i felt i was having a heart attack) and the same on the
radio they are programming the green album singles and old stuff as well.
The radio station is from mexico city and it's called Radioactive 98.5 fm,
but also another station is playing weezer some times in here, ORBITA 105.7
fm .

...we only really have one station in Toronto that would play weezer (Edge 102) I have heard reports that Island as been played by stations that usually play much softer music (i.e. muZAK for offices..) I don't know wether this creeps me out or makes me happy.. :) but Edge 102 is still playing Hash Pipe AND Island like crazy (although they haven't played anything else off green since they did their new rock preview of it in may - are they even allowed?) Also, they do this quiz show in the evening called 'pick your poison' where people pick a band that was played on the radio recently and they get asked trivia about them to win tix. Weezer is being picked almost daily!

...on 99.3 CFOX in British Columbia Island In the Sun is at position 15 (last week 18) on the New Rock 20 Countdown... its ahead of Blink 182, Live, Gorillaz, Tricky, etc..

...so i was driving home back to pasadena from orange county, stuck on one of
those damned freeways which are in states of perpetual repair,
channel-surfing, and i clicked over to star 98.7 hoping they were doing a
totally 80s weekend... much to my surprise, "island in the sun came on"...
weezer on star? their playlist usually goes like matchbox 20, deep blue
something, matchbox 20, alanis morrisette, matchbox 20... it's nice to see
they're branching out.

...Weezer Weekend started about a half and hour ago on the Chicago's
(basically only) Rock Radio Staion Q101. They are giving away tickets and said that they will be playing the
crap outta weezer's songs all weekend which is definatly a treat for weezer
fans here because they don't play too much of their stuff.

...Here in Indianapolis, IN X103 (103.3) plays Hash Pipe but pretty minimally. The local High School Stations play more REAL punk (not blink 182 or sum 41) and so they play "Hash Pipe", "Say It Ain't So" and "Buddy Holly". I have yet to hear "Island In the Sun" on any station and I have NEVER heard any of the masterpieces from Pinkerton on the radio here either.

...KROQ played "Undone" and from
5:18 to 5:24 I was in heaven, singing and playing
along in the car. The only time I was in sync with the
conversation was when you were answering, "Yeah."
That same day, I heard "Simple Pages". I plopped into
the car, turned on the radio and was shocked, I say,
shocked when I heard Rivers sing "gimme so love, gimme
some love..." I've been reading that KROQ has been
playing "Pages" but had never heard it til yesterday.

...I was listening to a radio station in New Brunswick, NJ and the dj played
seven consecutive weezer songs and then four songs by Radiohead. I was very
impressed and excited. He said that he is going to do this more often, and
try to put more songs on. He has a very good taste in music.

...the song "hashpipe" is alive and well in the state of Morelos, Mexico. Heard it on the 24th of july on station 97.5- a decent station to say the least- i also spotted the video (hashpipe) on the latin MTV over there. happy to see you've got exposure with our nieghbors.

...Today i was having a going away party for me as i leave for college and 96.5
THE BUZZ ( GOOD STATION ) played "Island " it kicked @$$

...i live in l.a. and i love weezer and its nice to see weezer doing so great on
the radio. on kroq 106.7 fm (modern rock) "island in the sun" is the 5th
most played song, "hash pipe" is the 19th most played and i heard "simple
pages" like 10 or 11 times in just the few hours i had the radio on this week
and i heard "buddy holly" and "undone" once each last week. also weezer is
getting played on kiss fm 102.7 (pop)! the play "hash pipe" but they edit the
song takeing out the word hash. weezer is also getting spins on star 98.7 fm
(adult modern rock) they play "island in sun" alot now, which rocks!

......I was driving back from a rock show the other night and stuck in the contruction on the Hollywood Freeway when KROQ (106.7) put on "Simple Pages." Needless to say, windows were rolled down, and everyone on the freeway was given a rocking dose of the Weez. Rock on!

...My mom was watching TV yesterday and she told me that she saw a Diet Coke
commercial that had 'Photograph' playing in the background. I'm not sure if
my mom was mistaken or not, but I've been playing Weezer songs enough for my
parents to know a few songs by heart (and drive them crazy with it).

.... I've been listening to Philly's Y100,
cause I live in Wilmington, Delaware, and I also wanted to say that "Island
In The Sun" is getting constant play time. Hashpipe is still spun, but I
think that Y100 likes to try and stay fresh with good music....but keep the
goodies playing too (i.e.--blue album).

...93.3 KTCL (Denver) just started playing Island in the Sun (Saturday Aug 18)

...mid-afternoon on a tuesday, i heard "island in the sun" on tulane's radio station, WTUL, down here in new orleans. also, every now and then i'll hear "hash pipe" on a local "rock/alternative" station, 106.7 The End (and they NEVER played weezer before) amanda from new orleans

...i thought i should let you and the boys
know that orock 1059 (orlandos alternative rock station... jrr is all
heavy now) has been playing island in the sun on a regular basis... i
was driving to the grocery store and they played (GET THIS) a DOUBLE
weezer block (they barely do this) with hash pipe and island in the sun
and THEN the dj started to harp about how groovy weezer is!
...On 97.5 Kpoi The Radios Best Big Man Big Daddy Cel hosts the new show of the
requested songs. He had the top 10 most requested songs and Weezer one again
for Island 3 weeks in a row. Yeah!!!!!

...this weekend ( aug 18-19 ) on
Q101 in chicago is weezer weekend. theyve been playing the older hits like
the sweater song, and are giving out tickets to the concert on the 21st. i
was at blockbuster and got in the car, turned on the radio, and the sweater
song was playing, i turned the volume way up and went nuts!! i hadnt heard
that song on the radio in such a long time

...weezers still alive on k-rock in NYC. island in the sun moved down on their playlist
from #9 to #21 but hash pipe moved up from #28 to #22.

...I was flipping through the stations radio and I heard Buddly Holly,
and Island in the Sun on Los Angeles' Star 98.7 "Smells Like the 90's
Weekend". This was really odd for me, and a whole lot of LA Weezer fans, for
the simple fact that this radio station has never played Weezer before. I
guess it all started when Shannon Elizabeth was on for an interview for
American Pie, and she requested to hear Island in the Sun.

...it's almost 3 AM here in New Jersey. I couldn't sleep,
so I decided that I would listen to K-Rock (92.3 New York) until they played
Weezer, and I wouldn't give up and turn off the radio until then (I'm getting
up at 6:30 for work, so I'm pretty dedicated if I'm willing to stay up all
night just to hear some radio station give Weezer airplay). Well, they played
Hash Pipe at 2:26, so that satisfied me. K-Rock has been surprisingly
supportive of Weezer lately, they've given the band a lot of airplay.

...we heard island in the sun for the first time on the radio in Belgium (on "studio brussel"). cooooool.

...I heard Simple Pages twice on KROQ 106.7 in Southern California. (This is a
bonus since that is my favorite song on the album.)

...I work at a radio station in small town saskatchewan in canada. i've been
trying to get hash pipe added for almost a month now and it has been like
beating my head against the wall, requiring a lot of energy and not being
particularly effective. so in conclusion ( i'm being fairly rushed here,
but i would like apologize to all =w= fans in West Central Saskatchewan who
listen faithfully, i try to get as much weezer added as i can but

...hi i live st.louis mo ive heard island in the sun, hash pipe, buddy holly,
surprisingly o girlfriend on 105.7 the point here in st louis just thought u
should know later =w=

...91x, here in SD, has this really funny
commercial for the show on the 14th. It's a spoof of "Leave it to Beaver"
called "Leave it to Weezer." You really got to listen to it, you'd get a
kick out of it.
Anyways, "Island in the Sun" is being played on the 9 o'clock riot mucho
mas. Can't wait for the show!

...we just heard the almighty 'Hash Pipe' here on 94.5 "The Buzz" in Houston Texas. Oh, and on a funny note, it was played right after a Creed song, which we certainly got a kick out of, seeing as I don't even know when the last time it was that they played Weezer... and then to stick it right next to a Creed song, oh the humanity! HA!

...well, I live in Chesapeake, Virginia and one station 96x (WROX)
played both Undone (sweater song) and Island in the Sun on the same day,
definitely rockin' out. Too bad the d.j. called Mikey "Micky" when talking
about his hospitalization and Scott replacing him! Oh, well, at least weezer
got a little publicity there...

...My local radio station, 97.5 WPST in Trenton, New Jersey, often has these
battle of the bands type contests where they'll play two different songs and
have people vote for their favorite. Now 97.5 is known for playing TRL pop
music, so I was quite suprised when I heard "Island in the Sun" in the
battle. Not only did "Island..." win the battle, but it was Weezer's third
straight win. Rock on Weezer and much respect to WPST for playing some
thoughtful music.

...Here in NB , Mass theres threee big alternitive stations WBRU ( 95.5 ) WBCN (
104.1 ) and FNX ( 103.7 ) and im SO HAPPY to say Weezer gets normal air play
on all of them they are also included snipits of songs includin hashpipe and
island in the sun during the like self adverstising things ! so weezer is
coming back to the airwaves YA !!

...Although it's become rare to hear "Hash Pipe" on KROQ in LA nowadays, "Island in the Sun" and "Simple Pages" have been getting decent airplay recently (the latter I hear more often than most). It's a good thing too, this morning I was taking my final test in order to complete bartending school, and I was a nervous wreck, but thankfully I turned on the radio earlier and "Island in the Sun" came on just as I started my test...which totally relaxed me...and I passed!

...weezer got to #1 on UBL.com's top 100 "most-searched for online" list. Also they are at #3 on pollstar's hot tour list!

...Island In the Sun has finally hit #1 on 92.1 MAD(wisconsin)! I was sitting on my bed thinking how cool it would be if weezer came on, and boy, my psychic abilities are working pretty well! I know that it went #1 on August 22nd, and the 23rd, but I'm still listening for the next few days!

...Today on 105.9 The X in Pittsburgh, they played 'Say it Aint So' and 'Hash
Pipe' back to back on a 'double X weekend'!!! Both 'Hash Pipe' and 'Island
in the Sun' have been getting mad air time as well!!!

...I had a nice surprise last week when I turned the TV and
listened to "The World Has Turned And Left Me Here". All the
three Weezer albuns were the soundtrack of TRL-similiar show
here in Brazil this week.
The hosteven talked a little bit of Weezer, explaning where do
they come from and stuff and even mentioned the Mikey happening.