Karl's Corner - 02/10/2001

From Weezerpedia

...recording day 43 (mixing day 11)...last day of mixing...Well, I know I can speak for Rivers when I say we are tired! Todays session turned into an all day affair of last minute repair work and re-calls. Our original plan, to work part of the day and then fly back to L.A. at 5pm was scuttled when it became apparent that there wasnt enough time to get everything done in just a few hours. In the end, new final mixes were completed for "Gimmie Some Love", "Hash Pipe", "O Lisa", "Teenage Victory Song" and "Gonna Make My Move". We decided that Tom should hold off on mixing "Always" till monday when he returns to the studio, then we'll have to ship the mixes back and forth till its all done. "New Song" will be finished up back in L.A. this week.

...Unfortunately, the only replacement flight we could get departs at 6:30 AM on Sunday, only a few hours away as I write this. So, we decided to stay up and catch a 1 AM showing of "Hannibal", because we were way too awake to even try to get to sleep before the ride to the airport. It's gonna be a strange day....