Karl's Corner - 02/20/2001
...today marked the first official day of the tour, where everyone from weezer and Yahoo got together under one roof for the first time, to run through the songs, lighting, video, interactive stuff, and virtually endless amounts of details. Everyone scrambled about, taking care of more stuff than any one person alone could hope to understand. I can safely report that the system and songs sound and look fantastic, and there should be no problem with a full frontal rock delivery from the weezer boys!
...also today was the live online chat with the band, where something like 5000 people sent in questions and comments, with the guys answering live to video, as a speed typist wrote in the bands answers for those reading along in the chat room. Of course they couldnt get to all of them in the allotted time, but they did their best! We sincerely thank everyone for participating, and apologize to those whose questions were not addressed...
...insider info! 4 sold out shows are getting a limited extra release of tickets, going on sale to the public anytime from the time you read this up till the morning of the 21st. The shows that are selling more tickets are:
- Columbia MO
- Kansas City
- Denver
- San Diego
...so if any of those shows you got "shut out" of, get on the ball quick, there are only a limited number of tickets being added, and they are sure to go pretty fast...