Karl's Corner - 02/17/2001
...the total flurry of activity continues. Yesterday there was a very long photo shoot, wherein photos were taken for everything from the album cover to various publicity shots. Later, the band went to a recording studio and worked on some of the b-sides till very late. Also, I worked much of the day in an editing suite, working with Dan our lighting guy preparing special video segments for the tour. Today we all jumped right into the frying pan again, with a full band rehearsal, polishing up some old favorites, dusting off some hidden gems, and getting down with some new stuff!
...speaking of new stuff, you've been waiting and waiting, but finally we've got our online merchandise store back in action! With an ever-expanding line of classic shirts that you just cant find anywhere else, and brand new designs to boot, it's what youve been looking for!
...act fast! Yahoo! tells us that they just released a limited number of tickets for the NYC show. They will be available on-line only through the outloud and ticketmaster websites. I hope you can get some!
...Well, the moment of truth has come and gone. A few hours ago, our meeting with the record company went down, about how they feel about the (99 percent) finished weezer record...
...and we have received the word, finally. I think it best for me to just present the facts and let you guys mull it over, because were not exactly sure how to take this. First of all, the record company told weezer that they LOVE the record, and had nothing but supportive and excited things to say about it. All the comments and talk being spoken tonight was positive and definitely the kind of things we were hoping they would say. And these were thoughtful and insightful comments, not just empty enthusiasm. It seems that all the late night recording and mixing and countless hours of detail work to the point of total exhaustion have paid off. While it is of course YOUR opinions that matter most to weezer, getting the record company on weezer's side is simply essential to the process...so, right on! However...at the same time, we were told that they no longer wish to release the album on April 17th, as we were originally told. In fact, they would not even supply us with a replacement date, which effectively throws the release date into thin air. When will they let weezer release this album? From their excited talk, we had figured that they would have wanted to put it out "yesterday".... But now, its become a total mystery...